Abandoned but not Forgotten = Adventures in the Subway and Street Improvements Digitization Project

By:  Angela Vanderbilt

The fascination and level of interest in Cincinnati’s attempt to build a subway is as alive today as it was when the first shovel-full of dirt was lifted from the canal bed in January, 1920. For some, it is a fascination with Cincinnati’s history, a desire to learn more about how their city has developed. For others, it is a fascination with what lies beneath Central Parkway, the desire to walk the tunnels through which no subway train has ever run.

Inspecting the Subway construction

Inspecting the construction, March 17, 1920

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Brighton Bridge = Adventures in the Subway and Street Improvements Digitization Project

By:  Angela Vanderbilt

Brighton Bridge, which spans Central Parkway connecting Colerain Avenue with McMicken Avenue, was built during the construction of Section Four of the subway. The last portion of subway to be constructed in the former Miami-Erie Canal bed, Section Four extended from Mohawk Street to Brighton’s Corner, and included an underground station at Brighton.

Canal Footbridge

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HSL Lunch & Learn Videos Available

Miss the Health Sciences Library’s February Lunch & Learn series? Don’t worry! You can now watch all four instruction sessions online. Check out videos by following the links below. The videos are also available on the HSL’s Tutorials guide at http://guides.libraries.uc.edu/hsltutorials.

Excel Tricks: Learn about some of the newer features available in Excel to make you a more effective user.

Free Screencasting Tools: Learn the basics on how to record a video of what you do on a computer screen using two free screencasting tools, Screencast-O-Matic and Jing.

iPad 101: A beginners’ look at iPads, including settings and some helpful apps.

Time Saving Tech Tips: Learn to leverage productivity apps (Evernote) and shortcuts to save you time and hassle.

Note: Videos are available in WMV format.

50 Minutes-1 Book Series Returns to ARB

By:  Kevin Grace

After a hiatus for the past few months, the lunchtime talks in the Archives & Rare Books Library return with a new presentation this month.   Held in 814 Blegen in the Schott Seminar Room, these casual talks are held from 12 noon to 12:50, so bring your lunch and bring a friend.   On March 28, the presentation will focus on the 19th century blind Dublin street poet, Zozimus.  And, the presentation will herald a new hallway exhibit in the Archives & Rare Books Library that features photographs of urban buskers from cities far and wide.

Zozimus Lecture

Undergraduate Discovery: Cross-Disciplinary Discussion with UC Undergraduates

ugdiscoveryIn partnership with UC Libraries, the Office of Undergraduate Research, Scholarly Endeavors & Creative Practice (URSC) presents a new undergraduate student lecture series on Tuesday, March 12, 4-6 p.m., Langsam Library 4th floor (near Triceracopter). Scheduled once per semester, Undergraduate Discovery: Cross-Disciplinary Discussion with UC Undergraduates will feature recipients of the URSC Student of the Month Awards for spring 2013 semester.

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Books Good Enough to Eat

ducksCreate an Edible Book for the International Edible Books Festival, Monday, April 1, at 12:30pm in the 5th floor lobby of Langsam Library.

For the 11th year, the University of Cincinnati Libraries will celebrate the International Edible Books Festival with an event scheduled for Monday, April 1, 2013, from 12:30-1:30pm in the 5th floor lobby of Langsam Library. Continue reading

College of Nursing Records Now Available in ARB

By Janice Schulz

Nursing Classroom 1978

Instruction in the College of Nursing and Health, 1978

The Archives and Rare Books Library has completed processing an 81 box collection of College of Nursing Records from 1940-2004, and it is now available for research. The highlight of this collection is a large number of curriculum records dating from 1980-2003, documenting the development of the program and the changing face of nursing education during a 20+ year period. These curriculum records include syllabi, course outlines, handouts, presentations, and textbook lists. Development of the PhD program during the 1980s and 1990s is also documented. The Archives and Rare Books Library encourages all academic departments to transfer historic curriculum for inclusion in the University Archives Collection. Continue reading

Now Available: City of Middletown City Council Meeting Minutes and Various City Board Minutes, 2001-2008

By:  Alyssa Roberts, ARB Student Assistant

Curious about what was going on in Middletown, Ohio, from 2001-2008? Our newest collection at the Archives & Rare Books Library includes minutes from the Middletown City Council meetings between January 2001 and December 2008. Additionally, the collection includes minutes from the city’s various boards, committees, and commissions from 2005 and 2006. You can discover the inner-workings of this Southwestern Ohio community’s Park Board, Golf Course Commission, or Tree Commission. Interested in Butler Country’s Middletown Regional Airport? You can now read the 2005 and 2006 minutes from the Airport Commission.  A finding aid for the collection is available through the OhioLink Finding Aid Repository.

We’d love to see you at the ARB, where you can view everything from this collection to collections from the City of Cincinnati to our rarest of rare books.  Visit ARB’s website at  www.libraries.uc.edu/libraries/arb for more information on ARB’s collections or call 513-556-1959 or email archives@ucmail.uc.edu.