UC Libraries’ Melissa Cox Norris Elected to ALAO Executive Board

melissa cox norrisMelissa Cox Norris, director of library communication, was elected to the board of the Academic Library Association of Ohio (ALAO) as public relations coordinator. Fellow incoming board members are:

Vice President/President Elect: Mandi Goodsett
Treasurer: Don Appleby
Board Members-at-Large: Amanda Black; Pamela Espinosa de los Monteros, and Jennifer Starkey

Tracing its beginnings to 1947, ALAO exists to develop, promote and improve library and information services in Ohio’s higher education community, to advance the interests of academic librarianship and the personnel of academic libraries, and to provide leadership and advocacy for the educational and policy concerns of the academic library community in Ohio. ALAO strives to adopt environmentally sustainable practices in all areas of the association.

For more about ALAO, visit their web site at https://www.alaoweb.org/.

Congratulations, Melissa!

Langsam Exhibit Celebrates the History of UC Women’s Lacrosse

lacrosse exhibitIn 2007, the University of Cincinnati’s women’s lacrosse team, coached by Lellie Swords, played its first game. While they lost that game, in the 12 years since they have had many notables to celebrate including a player named All American and current coach Gina Thomas playing for Team USA. in 2018 they joined the American Athletic Conference (AAC), and in 2019 won AAC Freshman and Coaching Staff of the Year honors.

A new exhibit on display on the 5th floor lobby of the Walter C. Langsam Library celebrates the accomplishments and athletes of UC’s women’s lacrosse. Profiles of former players Jessica Kazaks, Michelle Platz, Kelsey Conway, Jen Mott, Meagan Gulmi and Coach Thomas speak on the impact lacrosse has had on their lives – both on and off the field. Books from the collections of UC Libraries highlight lacrosse as well as women in sports and leadership. A bibliography is available at the exhibit and online.

The exhibit was curated by Amy Koshoffer, lacrosse fan and science informationist in the Geology-Mathematics- Physics Library, and was designed by Michelle Matevia, UC Libraries communications department co-op design student.

UC Libraries Invites You to Participate in the All of Us Journey to Help Create a Healthier Future

all of us mobile unitThe Donald C. Harrison Health Sciences Library will host the All of Us awareness and education mobile unit on Friday, June 21 from 10:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m., 231 Albert Sabin Way, Kresge Circle.

Sponsored by the National Institutes of Health, the All of Us research program is building one of the largest biomedical resources of its kind to explore how lifestyle, environment and biological makeup affect health and disease. The program is a historic effort to gather data from one million or more people living in the United States to accelerate research and medical breakthroughs and to improve health by enabling individualized prevention, treatment and care for all of us. It is committed to engaging multiple sectors and forging strong partnerships with academic and other non-profit researchers, patient groups and the private sector.

The All of Us mobile unit is a hands-on experience to build awareness and excitement about the All of Us research program. Through this national tour, the traveling exhibit actively engages community members to join this landmark research project. Visitors to the All of Us mobile unit have the opportunity to engage with interactive video kiosks to learn about lifestyle, environmental and genetic factors that make each person unique, as well as receive information about precision medicine and the goals of the All of Us project.

For more information, visit the National Institutes of Health All of Us website at https://allofus.nih.gov/.

Attending Wednesday’s Cecil Striker Lecture? Stay for a Book Signing of “Leaving a Legacy: Lessons from the Writings of Daniel Drake.”

leaving a legacy book coverThe Henry R. Winkler Center for the History of the Health Professions and the Cecil Striker Society for the History of Medicine will host the 10th Cecil Striker Society Annual Lecture from 5:00-7:30 p.m. on Wednesday, May 15, in the Kresge Auditorium, Medical Sciences Building, 231 Albert Sabin Way.

This year’s lecture, titled Daniel Drake’s Connection to Sir William Osler: Celebrating Two Medical Education Reformers, will focus on the immense impact both physicians had on medical education. Philip M. Diller, M.D., Ph.D., and Robert E. Rakel, M.D., will serve as co-lecturers for the event.

Following the lecture, author Philip M. Diller will be on hand outside the Winkler Center to sign copies of his recently published book, Leaving a Legacy: Lessons from the Writings of Daniel Drake.

As documented here in his own words from excerpts of lectures, personal journal entries, presentations, speeches, books and letters to his children, readers learn about the scope of Daniel Drake’s accomplishments in medicine, contributions to his community, and dedication to his family. Diller goes beyond biography to contextualize Drake’s life choices and what makes him a role model for today’s physicians. Diller selected 180 thematically arranged excerpts, which he paired with original reflection questions to guide the reader through thought-provoking prompts.

Leaving a Legacy was published by the University of Cincinnati Press.

Cecil Striker Society Annual Lecture Scheduled for May 15 to Celebrate Two Pioneers in Medical Education

cecil striker invite

The Henry R. Winkler Center for the History of the Health Professions and the Cecil Striker Society for the History of Medicine will host the 10th Cecil Striker Society Annual Lecture from 5:00-7:30 p.m. on Wednesday, May 15, in the Kresge Auditorium, Medical Sciences Building, 231 Albert Sabin Way.

This year’s lecture, titled Daniel Drake’s Connection to Sir William Osler: Celebrating Two Medical Education Reformers, will focus on the immense impact both physicians had on medical education. Philip M. Diller, M.D., Ph.D., and Robert E. Rakel, M.D., will serve as co-lecturers for the event. Continue reading

Amy Koshoffer Named to the 2019 Cohort of TRELIS Fellows

Amy Koshoffer

Amy Koshoffer, science informationist in the Geology-Mathematics-Physics Library, was named to the 2019 cohort of TRELIS Fellows. Amy will join colleagues from around the country in Washington, D.C. at a workshop designed for professional development for women educators in geospatial sciences.

Below is the press release issued by TRELIS naming Amy to the cohort. Congratulations!


In June 2019, the TRELIS project, Training and Retaining Leaders in STEM-Geospatial Sciences, will hold its second workshop in Washington, D.C. TRELIS is a unique model for professional development for women educators in the geospatial sciences. The program builds leadership capacity and skills to address career development, communication, conflict resolution, and work-life integration. With the name, we instill the concept of a human capital trellis or scaffold of support, and embrace the reality of nonlinear career trajectories that move sideways, take leaps, and do not follow a single upward ladder. There is significant demand for TRELIS-related knowledge and support in the geospatial sciences, reflected in part by the large pool of applicants to TRELIS events each year.

We are pleased to announce the following members of our 2019 cohort. These TRELIS Fellows will participate in a 3-day workshop that has been designed to target topics and concerns of early-career individuals and focus on envisioning and crafting leadership pathways. Immediately following the workshop, the TRELIS Fellows will continue their professional development exchanges during the UCGIS Symposium.


  • Clio Andris, Pennsylvania State University
  • Sara Carr, Northeastern University
  • Li (Kerry) Fang, Florida State University
  • Kelly Gleason, Portland State University
  • Melinda Kernik, University of Minnesota
  • Marynia Kolak, University of Chicago
  • Amy Koshoffer, University of Cincinnati
  • Huyen Le, Virginia Tech University
  • Samiah Moustafa, Brown University
  • Stephanie Rogers, Auburn University
  • Vanessa Rojas, State University of New York – ESF
  • Donna Selch, Stony Brook University
  • Di Shi, University of Kansas
  • Monica Stephens, University at Buffalo
  • Caixia Wang, University of Alaska at Anchorage
  • Jennifer Watts, Woods Hole Research Center

TRELIS is managed by a leadership team from the University of Maine, Hunter College, the University of Colorado, the University of Southern California, Arizona State University, Tableau Software, and the University Consortium for Geographic Information Science (UCGIS). It is supported with generous funding from the National Science Foundation (NSF Grant #1660400). For more information, contact Kate Beard, TRELIS PI, at the University of Maine or look for resources at www.ucgis.org/TRELIS.

Help Config the Refig! Langsam 4th Floor East Remodel

4th floor reno graphicWhy do you come to the library? What kind of furniture do you want? What inspires you? These are some of the questions UC Libraries is asking users to consider as they provide input on possible changes to a large area within the library.

This summer, the Walter C. Langsam Library’s 4th floor east will be remodeled. UC Libraries is seeking input on what is desired for the space. The project encompasses approximately 13,000 square feet. One of the main objectives of the project is to add more user space (referred to as seats). Some library collections will remain, while others will be relocated. The project will begin in summer 2019 with completion during the fall semester.

To provide input, library visitors are encouraged to draw, write or tell their ideas on one of two large blackboards positioned at the entrance to the library as well as in the 4th floor east space. In addition, there is a handout(PDF) that can be filled out and either returned to the Desk@Langsam or emailed to libfacilityfeedback@uc.edu.

Get creative!

And the Winners are…Results of the 2019 UC Libraries International Edible Books Festival


Best Overall – A Series of Unfortunate Cupcakes by the Warren Family

The University of Cincinnati Libraries celebrated the International Edible Books Festival on April 1, 2019.

Twenty edible books were created by students, faculty, staff, librarians, friends and family. The entries ranged from children’s books to literary classics to popular fiction and self-help books. The edible books were made of cakes, cookies, candy, deviled eggs and even carrots. Each entry was judged by our esteemed judges Debbie Tenofsky and Mary Anne McMillan and awarded a bookmark.

Created by librarian Judith A. Hoffberg and artist Béatrice Coron, the International Edible Books Festival is held worldwide annually on or around April 1st to mark the birthday of Jean Brillat-Savarin, author of The Physiology of Taste.  The global event has been celebrated since 2000 in various parts of the world, including in Australia, Brazil, India, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, Mexico, Morocco, The Netherlands, Russia and Hong Kong.

UC Libraries has participated in the International Edible Books Festival since 2001. The 2019 winners ares:

  • Most Humorous – After the Party by Olya Hart
  • Most Whimsical – The Monster at the End of This Book by Melissa Cox Norris
  • Most Literary – The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Ben Kline and Aaron Libby
  • Most Creative – The Giving Tree by Jessica Ebert
  • Most Magical – Good Night Moon by Michelle Matevia
  • Most Adorable – Owl Moon by Debbie Weinstein
  • Most Clever – The Amazing Spider-Man by Sam Norris
  • Most Delicious – All New Square Foot Gardening by Luahna Winningham Carter
  • Most Deadly – Where the Red Fern Grows by Jack Norris
  • Most Checked Out – Green Eggs and Ham by Sami Scheidler
  • Most Fun – Middlemarch by Steve Norris
  • Most Taboo – Human Resources or was it Human Remains by Aja Hickman
  • Scariest – Ring by Holly Prochaska
  • Most Imaginative – The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Jenny Mackiewicz
  • Silliest – Too Many Carrots by Melissa Cox Norris
  • Most Outrageous – A Dance with Dragons by Sam Kane
  • Best Overall – A Series of Unfortunate Cupcakes by the Warren Family
  • Best Student Entry – The Little Prince by Emma Duhamel and Eli Seidman-Deutsch

Congratulations to all the edible books creators! View the entries and the winners on the UC Libraries Facebook page. See you next year for Edible Books 2020!

Hungry? Bite into an Edible Book with UC Libraries on April 1

2018’s Most Deadly – “Life Cycles” from Nature Anatomy: The Curious Parts and Pieces of the Natural World by Tania Paine

Celebrate books good enough to eat at the International Edible Books Festival set for 1 p.m., Monday, April 1.

The University of Cincinnati Libraries will celebrate the International Edible Books Festival with an event scheduled from 1-2 p.m. on Monday, April 1, in the fifth floor lobby of the Walter C. Langsam Library.

At the event, over 20 participants will present their edible creations that represent a book in some form. There are few restrictions in creating an edible book – namely that the creation be edible and have something to do with a book. Submitted entries include edible titles such as Food: A Love Story and A Series of Unfortunate Cupcakes. Best sellers The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up and The Giving Tree are represented alongside classics like Middlemarch, Where the Red Fern Grows and Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, among other literary greats.

t-shirtAs in past years, entries will be judged according to such categories as “Most Literary,” “Most Delicious,” “Most Hilarious” and “Most Gruesome.” In addition, the winners of “Top Student Entry” and “Best Overall Entry” will receive a limited edition UC Libraries t-shirt. After the entries are judged they will be consumed and enjoyed by all in attendance.

According to the International Edible Book Festival website, the edible book was initiated by librarian and artist Judith A. Hoffberg during a 1999 Thanksgiving celebration with book artists. It became an international celebration in 2000 when artist Béatrice Coron launched the Books2Eat website. Traditionally, the event is celebrated on April 1st (April Fools’ Day) to mark the birthday of Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin (1755-1826), a French lawyer and politician who became famous for his book, Physiologie du gout (The Physiology of Taste). To view images of the 2018 edible books, visit the Libraries Facebook page.

The Libraries International Edible Books Festival is free and open to the public. It is sponsored in part by Books by the Banks: Cincinnati Regional Book Festival.

Come to celebrate (and eat) “books good enough to eat!”

“An Evening with Aristophanes” in the Classics Library March 28

evening with AristophanesJoin the John Miller Burnam Classics Library, Thursday, March 28 from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m., in celebrating the life and work of the Greek comedy playwright Aristophanes.

The evening will include remarks by Rebecka Lindau, head of the Classics Library; a brief presentation of Aristophanes’ life and work by Susan Prince, associate professor of classics; and a reading of the play Lysistrata in Jeffrey Henderson’s Loeb translation, under the direction of Brant Russell, assistant professor of acting. The play will feature students from both UC’s Classics Department and from the College-Conservatory of Music (CCM). True to ancient Greek drama, music will further accompany the entrances and exits of the chorus and interludes, under the direction of Yo Shionoya, a graduate student in CCM.

The evening will conclude with a reception including Greek food.

The event will be presided over by the Greek god Dionysus who will greet all revelers at the door. The Classics Library will also feature a book exhibition with works of Aristophanes, including rare editions.

Please RSVP to Cade Stevens at stevencd@ucmail.uc.edu or (513) 556-1314 by Monday, March 25.