Service Note: Alienware Workstations and Disability Services Moving Temporarily for Renovation of STRC

On Monday, March 19, construction will begin on the renovation of the Student Technology Resources Center (STRC) on the 4th floor of Langsam Library. A full-height, drywall construction barrier will be installed around the STRC area to minimize dust and noise throughout the project.

Beginning Monday, March 12, the Alienware Video Editing workstations located in the STRC, as well as the Disability Services workstations will be relocated temporarily to Langsam Library 461 to allow for the renovation of the STRC and the Disability Services Office. All other services will remain available in the current STRC space.

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OhioLINK Notice

OhioLINK will be switching to a new book delivery vendor in early March. This change may lead to minor delays in service as a new system is put in place. If you anticipate needing library materials at that time, we recommend allowing extra time to receive your requests. Questions? Please contact a librarian.

Access to CEAS Library via Rhodes Hall

As of December 20, 2011, there is no access to the College of Engineering and Applied Science (CEAS) Library via the 8th floor of Rhodes Hall.  Hallways on this level are closed through Summer 2012, due to renovations to build the CEAS Learning Center.  The Learning Center will serve as a “home” for hundreds of first-year CEAS students, and will neighbor the CEAS Library!  Learning Center construction details at

How do you access the CEAS Library (8th floor, Baldwin Hall) from the Rhodes lobby?  Take the elevator up to the 7th floor of Rhodes, make a sharp right turn as you exit the elevator, then proceed down the hallway toward Baldwin Hall (in the direction of Clifton Avenue).  Use the stairs or elevator nearest to Baldwin Hall to reach the 8th floor.

To avoid steps, enter the adjacent Engineering Research Center (ERC) building and take its elevator to the 6th or 7th floor.  Cross the bridge into Rhodes Hall and proceed down the hallway toward Baldwin Hall as described above (you will pass by the Rhodes lobby elevator).  Use the stairs or elevator nearest to Baldwin Hall to reach the 8th floor.

There is no change in direct access to the CEAS Library from either Baldwin Hall or Zimmer Hall.

Contact the CEAS Library at 513-556-1550 or email for further assistance.

Are You A UCGuest and Want to Use the Internet?

The University of Cincinnati provides a wireless network that allows visitors who are not associated with UC and do not have credentials allowing access to our wireless network to connect to a “UCGuest” network. The “UCGuest” access allows visitors to view the Libraries website and search the Library Catalog.

When guests search for internet access, they should select the “UCGuest” option. No log on information is needed, but they must review and accept UCIT’s terms of use before a connection will be allowed.

More information is available on UCit’s website.

Service Note: Internet Service Interruptions Sept. 2-4

To meet the university’s needs for increased Internet bandwidth, UCIT will perform an upgrade to the Cincinnati Education Research Fiber-loop (CERF) ring during Labor Day weekend. The CERF ring is the backbone providing Internet and Internet2 connectivity for UC, Xavier, and Cincinnati State Technical and Community College. The upgrade will begin at 6:00 p.m., Friday, September 2 and is expected to be complete by 1:00 a.m. Sunday, September 4. Users should expect intermittent service interruption to the Internet during this window, however there is a possibility for intermittent Internet outages during the entire maintenance period.

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2011 Ohio Sunshine Laws Manual Available

By Janice Schulz

Cover Ohio Sunshine LawsAs a State of Ohio public entity, the University of Cincinnati is required to adhere to Ohio’s public records laws. The laws can be found in Ohio Revised Code 149.43, but interpretation can be tricky. To assist Ohio agencies and citizens with understanding and applying both the public records laws and the open meeting laws, collectively known as “sunshine laws,” the Ohio Attorney General and the Ohio Auditor of State have jointly published the Ohio Sunshine Laws Manual. In plain language, the manual describes what a public record is, how to request records, exceptions to the law, enforcement of the law, and obligations of public offices. Like many state laws, interpretation of the public records laws happens during actual court cases, and the manual is updated annually to include new and/or different interpretations that affect how we need to comply. The 2011 Sunshine Manual can be viewed and downloaded free of charge and hard copies, also free of charge, can be requested on the Ohio Attorney General’s website.

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Have a Question? Text a Librarian.

text ohiolink to 66746 

Through KnowItNow24x7, an online and texting reference service for the citizens and residents of Ohio brought to you by the State Library of Ohio and libraries throughout the state, users can now text their questions and a librarian will text the answer. To reach a college or university librarian, text ohiolink to 66746.

Looking for News about UC Libraries?

Read Source, the UC Libraries newsletter for faculty, students, staff, and friends.

The latest issue highlights the CEAS Library, new digital collections such as The Cincinnatian Online, and the most recent UC Libraries Quality Service Award Winners. You can also read about staff news, recent acquisitions in the Geology-Mathematics-Physics Library, and more. Source is available in print around the various libraries and online.

Libraries Awarded NEH Grant to Digitize the Correspondence and Photographs of Albert B. Sabin

Albert SabinThe University of Cincinnati Libraries have received a $314,258 grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) to digitize the correspondence and photographs of Albert B. Sabin, developer of the oral polio vaccine and distinguished service professor at the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine and Children’s Hospital Research Foundation from 1939-1969.

The primary source documents to be digitized include 35,000 letters totaling 50,000 pages of correspondence between Sabin and political, cultural, social, and scientific leaders around the world. Also included will be 1,000 photographs documenting the events and activities worldwide that were part of Sabin’s crusade to eradicate polio.

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