New Major Reference Works in Science and Engineering

The UC Science and Engineering libraries have recently added a new collection of major reference works to its electronic resources. The books are on topics relevant to active research areas such as nanosensors and manufacturing.

 Nanosensors for Smart Cities

This book covers the fundamental design concepts and emerging applications of nanosensors for the creation of smart city infrastructures. Examples of major applications include logistics management, where nanosensors could be used in active transport tracking devices for smart tracking and tracing, and in agri-food productions, where nanosensors are used in nanochips for identity, and food inspection, and smart storage.



Intelligent Nanomaterials for Drug Delivery Applications

This book discusses intelligent nanomaterials with a particular focus on commercial and premarket tools. The book looks at the applications of intelligent nanomaterials within the field of medicine and discusses their future role. This includes the use of intelligent nanomaterials for drugs used in cardiovascular and cancer treatments and examines the promising market of nanoparticles for biomedical and biosensing applications. 

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UC Libraries Mark Chalmers named Drexel University LEADING Fellow

mark chalmersMark Chalmers, science and engineering librarian, has been accepted into Drexel University’s highly selective Library Information Science (LIS) Education and Data Science Integrated Network Group (LEADING) program as a 2021 LEADING Fellow.

The LEADING program is a Laura Bush 21st Century Librarian (LB21) National Digital Infrastructures and Initiatives project, supported by the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) and hosted at Drexel University’s College of Computing & Informatics (CCI). The LEADING program scales-up the highly successful LEADS-4-NDP initiative and will prepare a diverse, nation-wide cohort of 50 LIS doctoral students and early to mid-career librarians for data science endeavors.

LEADING Fellows will complete the following:

  • self-paced online preparatory curriculum,
  • an online data science bootcamp with Drexel and other LEADING fellows,
  • six-month virtual data science internship at a LEADING hub or node,
  • development of a communication plan to connect with mentor/s on a regular basis, and
  • development of research output (e.g., a paper, poster, presentation, published data, etc.).

Mark’s LEADING Fellow research project will focus on “Assessing Overlap and Aggregation Potential of Open-Source Software Platforms and Their Data.” LYRASIS, a consortium that provides access to the world’s shared academic, scientific and cultural heritage, currently offers six hosted services on open-source software. Five of the six of which involve academic libraries and their cultural heritage assets. As a result, LYRASIS seeks expertise in cultural heritage metadata and data science to assist in assessing this overlap between platforms. In addition, they seek recommendations on how machine learning models can be leveraged to connect data in different platforms and to assess how researchers can be served by access to data across the different platforms.

“I am eager to work with Drexel and LYRASIS to grow my competencies in the domains of data science, data integration, large scale machine learning and exploratory feasibility projects,” said Mark upon learning of his acceptance into the LEADING program.

“The experience and skills Mark will gain as a LEADING Fellow will not only contribute to the completion of the LYRASIS research project, but he will bring new knowledge back to his role in the Science and Engineering Libraries while at the same time contributing to the university’s digital future and open access agenda,” said Xuemao Wang, vice provost of digital scholarship and dean and university librarian.

Librarians Ted Baldwin and Eira Tansey receive honors at UC Faculty Awards Ceremony

In a ceremony held April 2 during Research and Innovation Week, librarians Ted Baldwin and Eira Tansey were recognized for their contributions to colleagues and to their fields. The Office of the Provost and the Office of Research jointly sponsor the awards to honor faculty who have demonstrated excellence in teaching, research and/or service. Continue reading

Upcoming changes in off-campus access links to library resources

User access to library electronic resources is controlled by UC credentials and the Libraries proxy server. To improve management of this, UC Libraries is changing proxy servers at the end of the spring semester. As a result, all URLs containing the library proxy will need to be changed to the new server address. The Libraries has created tools to assist users in changing/creating proxy URLs. For anyone who bookmarks or includes library resource links in communication, course syllabi, canvas, etc., please plan to change library resource links starting in the month of May to the new proxy URL.  The Libraries will maintain the old server through the end of 2021, so access will be continuous for summer semester and ample time is provided for the URLs to be updated.

If you have any questions about how to access electronic library resources, please contact a library liaison.

‘CAN UC my mask’ canned food sculpture temporarily installed in Langsam Library

"CAN UC my mask" canned sculpture.

“CAN UC my mask” canned sculpture. Photo/Melissa Cox Norris

The masked Bearcat is showing school pride while reminding everyone to stay safe by wearing a mask

“CAN UC my mask,” a canned good sculpture currently on display on the fourth floor of the Walter C. Langsam Library, is the creation of students in UC’s Construction Student Association. The students spent the fall semester designing and preparing the sculpture with hopes to participate in Cincinnati CANstruction, an annual event where students and local businesses construct large structures out of cans of food, which are then displayed around Cincinnati before the cans are donated to a local food pantry. Due to the pandemic, the organizers of the 2021 Cincinnati CANstruction moved the event online. Looking for an opportunity to construct their design, and with the desire that their UC-themed sculpture could be seen on campus, the group’s faculty adviser, Mandy Albrecht, assistant dean of academics in the College of Engineering and Applied Science, reached out to UC Libraries to inquire if the Walter C. Langsam Library could play host to their canned sculpture. Of course, the answer was yes.

students constructing canned sculpture

“CAN UC my mask” under construction. Photo/Kaikou Uchiyama

On display now on the fourth floor of the library, “CAN UC my mask,” was assembled by a team of students led by Matthew Adkins, construction management major pursuing his MBA, and Blake Reinstedler, construction management major, and including Phillip Stoll, Blake Brower, Jacob Mitsch, Colby Sipos, Nicholas Bartholomew, Kaikou Uchiyama and Andrew Bush. Inspired by their Bearcat pride, and a desire to spread a message of being safe during the pandemic, the 6.5-foot cubed rendition of the UC Bearcat wearing a mask took 4,700 cans of food to create and 10 hours to construct.

“We really appreciate the opportunity to construct ‘CAN UC my mask’ in Langsam Library and are very grateful to the library for letting us display it in such a prominent location,” said Adkins. “We explored other potential locations on campus, but this one seemed the safest for the cans and social distancing and will allow for the most attention and publicity.”

The canned sculpture will remain in Langsam until mid-April when it will be dismantled and the cans of food donated to the UC Bearcats Pantry. “The messages we are spreading through the donation of canned goods and staying safe from Covid-19 are positive ones creatively expressed through art,” Adkins concluded.

Students from the Construction Student Association pose in front of their canned sculpture

Students from the Construction Student Association pose in front of their canned sculpture. Photo/Kaikou Uchiyama

“This project is always fun because it’s a great learning opportunity for the students, as well as a great way to encourage donations to local food pantries. It’s an especially great way for freshmen and sophomores to get involved in the Construction Student Association and to contribute to their community in a meaningful way,” said Albrecht. “Students who haven’t yet learned about construction estimating, scheduling and logistics can start flexing those muscles by designing, estimating, procuring and building a canned food structure like this.”

Faster Access to Full Text Articles Available at UC

Link to available full text with one click by downloading the browser extension, LibKey Nomad. You will be prompted to log in with your UC username and password as needed.

When the browser extension is in place and full text is available, you will see “Download PDF”, “Article Link”, or “Manuscript Link”.

Download PDF Full Text

When full text may not be available at UC, you will see “Access Options”.

Access Options indicates that full text may not be available.




Please note: When you see “Access Options”, locate the UC Article Linker button for that reference citation to ensure the best results in accessing existing full text or requesting the article.  The UC Article Linker button may be visible in the summary view or the full record view of the reference citation. Or the button may not be visible, instead you may see “Link to full text”.

Click the UC Article Linker button to find full text or request full text.

Browser Extension Also Works with Google Scholar

As you may know, you can search Google Scholar and connect to full text articles at UC once Google Scholar has been configured for UC Libraries access.

The browser extension also works with Google Scholar.  Instead of seeing “Find Full Text at UC”, you may see “[PDF]” or “[HTML]” and the journal or publisher website address.

Configure Google Scholar for UC Libraries access

Enable Google Scholar to identify UC-licensed full-text of journal articles.  Access appears as a “Find Full-Text at UC” link.

  1. Go to Google Scholar
  2. Sign in to your Google account (or create one if needed)
  3. Click the icon in the upper left and select “Settings”
  4. Click on “Library Links”
  5. Search for “University of Cincinnati” and add.
  6. Check the box next to “The University of Cincinnati – Find Full-Text at UC” and click “Save”

UC Libraries to remain closed Tuesday, Feb. 16 except for Langsam, Health Sciences, Blue Ash, Clermont and card access to the Chemistry-Biology Library

UC Libraries will remain closed Tuesday, Feb. 16 except for:

All other locations remain closed with no Click & Collect. UC Libraries remains available online to provide users with access to library resources and services.

UC Libraries to Close at 2pm on Monday, Feb. 15

Due to inclement weather, the University of Cincinnati will close from 2 p.m. until midnight on Monday, Feb. 15, 2021. This includes library locations. The Albino Gorno Memorial (CCM) Library will not open as scheduled at 1 p.m., but will remain closed.

UC Libraries remains available online to provide users with access to library resources and services.

New Books in the Science Libraries

Check out the new science books that have been added to the Geology-Math-Physics and Langsam Libraries.  Be sure to use the Click and Collect service for the print books.  Titles  in the Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society series are ebooks with accessible links highlighted in blue within the list.

Click here to access the November-December 2020 list.

If you have any questions about these books, contact Ted Baldwin, Director of the Science and Engineering Libraries, at