As the summer course session begins, UC Clermont Library would like remind the campus community that we will be open Monday through Thursday, 10 am to 3 pm, starting on Monday May third. Our chat service will be staffed Monday through Friday 10am to 3pm. Materials and technology checkouts continue to be available during these open hours. If you would like to request to check out a piece of technology over summer, you can do so via the online form here. Additionally, there is a return bin outside of the library that you can access at any time for book returns, but if you have technology like a laptop or iPad to return you can drop those off during open hours or make an appointment to drop off at another time. UC Clermont Library will be closed on Fridays throughout the summer.
Category Archives: UC Clermont Library News
Upcoming changes in off-campus access links to library resources
User access to library electronic resources is controlled by UC credentials and the Libraries proxy server. To improve management of this, UC Libraries is changing proxy servers at the end of the spring semester. As a result, all URLs containing the library proxy will need to be changed to the new server address. The Libraries has created tools to assist users in changing/creating proxy URLs. For anyone who bookmarks or includes library resource links in communication, course syllabi, canvas, etc., please plan to change library resource links starting in the month of May to the new proxy URL. The Libraries will maintain the old server through the end of 2021, so access will be continuous for summer semester and ample time is provided for the URLs to be updated.
- May 3rd: server address changes
- TO: (beginning May 3rd):
- After May 3rd, example of new proxy URL for the title: Very short introductions
- May 3rd through 2021: change library resource links in course syllabi, canvas, personal bookmarks, etc.
- January 2022: outdated URLs will no longer work for library resources
- The proxy tools page will be updated May 3rd to assist with editing URLs
If you have any questions about how to access electronic library resources, please contact a library liaison.
Reading Day Recommendations from UC Clermont
With the upcoming reading day on March 24, we think everyone could use a break. While the UC Clermont library will be open that day, we thought we’d share some of what we would do if we had a free day. Decision fatigue can be real so maybe these can help:
Faster Access to Full Text Articles Available at UC
Link to available full text with one click by downloading the browser extension, LibKey Nomad. You will be prompted to log in with your UC username and password as needed.
- Download LibKey Nomad at Available for Firefox, Chrome, Edge, Vivaldi and Brave browsers.
- After download, enter University of Cincinnati as your institution. More details:
When the browser extension is in place and full text is available, you will see “Download PDF”, “Article Link”, or “Manuscript Link”.
When full text may not be available at UC, you will see “Access Options”.
Please note: When you see “Access Options”, locate the UC Article Linker button for that reference citation to ensure the best results in accessing existing full text or requesting the article. The UC Article Linker button may be visible in the summary view or the full record view of the reference citation. Or the button may not be visible, instead you may see “Link to full text”.
Browser Extension Also Works with Google Scholar
As you may know, you can search Google Scholar and connect to full text articles at UC once Google Scholar has been configured for UC Libraries access.
The browser extension also works with Google Scholar. Instead of seeing “Find Full Text at UC”, you may see “[PDF]” or “[HTML]” and the journal or publisher website address.
Configure Google Scholar for UC Libraries access
Enable Google Scholar to identify UC-licensed full-text of journal articles. Access appears as a “Find Full-Text at UC” link.
- Go to Google Scholar
- Sign in to your Google account (or create one if needed)
- Click the icon in the upper left and select “Settings”
- Click on “Library Links”
- Search for “University of Cincinnati” and add.
- Check the box next to “The University of Cincinnati – Find Full-Text at UC” and click “Save”
Clermont College Library Remote for February 15
Due to the winter storm warning for Monday, February 15, Clermont College Library will be offering online support only. Click and Collect will be unavailable and the campus library is closed. Anyone needing library support can reach the librarians by visiting Ask UC Clermont Library page. We look forward to seeing you again on campus once it is safe to travel.
UC Clermont Library Digital Display – January and February 2021
UC Clermont Library usually curates monthly physical library material displays that pertain to timely issues. You’ve probably seen these throughout campus and maybe even checked out materials from one. For these physical displays we lay out books, DVDs, and periodicals relating to a particular topic. While we are off campus, we wanted to share this same information with you, but in formats accessible from home.
The digital display for January and February 2021 provides online materials with information on burn out, mental health, self-care, and more, so that we can learn about how to take better care of our mental health this semester!
Spring Semester at UC Clermont Library
Clermont College Library is excited to kick off this Spring semester even as the strangest of times continues. Here are some highlights of what to expect:
Fall 2020 Recap for UC Clermont Library
If there is one thing that is for certain, it is that there was never quite a Fall semester like this one. Despite the upheaval, Clermont College Library persevered and provided a successful semester for its community.
Clermont College Library Online Beginning November 16
Due to a desire to further reduce human density on the Clermont College campus, the Clermont College Library is switching its operations earlier than planned. Beginning now on Monday, November 16, Clermont College Library will be transitioning its support to online and changing its visiting hours to by appointment only.
Ending the Semester Online at Clermont
All classes will be moving online after November 25 at the University of Cincinnati Clermont. Clermont College Library will be transitioning its support to online and changing its visiting hours to by appointment only. To better support online learning, Clermont student can expect the following changes: Continue reading