Langsam Library’s Spring Break Hours. Fourth Floor to Close when The Desk@Langsam Closes.

Langsam Library has reduced hours during Spring Break, March 9-17. Starting Fri, March 9, Langsam Library’s 4th floor will close when The Desk@Langsam closes during Spring Break.

Langsam Spring Break Hours: March 9-17

Fri, March 9 – 7:45am-6pm
Sat, March 10 – 10am-6pm
Sun, March 11 – Closed
Mon-Fri, March 12-16 – 8am-5pm
Sat, March 17 – Closed

Langsam’s 4th floor will resume 24/7 hours on Sunday, March 18.

Most other UC Libraries have reduced hours for Spring Break. Check the Libraries website for a listing of the hours for each location.

Have a safe and restful Spring Break.

UC Libraries Seeks Books Good Enough to Eat for the International Edible Books Festival

edible bookKnow of a good book to eat?! Create an Edible Book for UC Libraries International Edible Books Festival!

It’s time once again for the fan favorite International Edible Books Festival scheduled for 1-2 p.m., Tues, April 3, in the Walter C. Langsam Library’s fifth floor lobby. UC Libraries is seeking people interested in creating an edible book for the enjoyment (and consumption) of all in attendance. There are few restrictions – namely that your creation be edible and have something to do with a book – so you may let your creativity run wild.

As in previous years, entries will be judged according to such categories as “Most Delicious,” “Most Creative,” “Most Checked Out” and “Most Literary.” Special prizes will be awarded for the “Best Student” entry and “Best Overall” entry.

If you are interested in creating an edible book, e-mail by Fri, March 23 with your name and the title of your creation.

books by the banks logoLooking for inspiration? Visit UC Libraries on Facebook to see photos from the 2017 festival.

Edible Books, 2018 is sponsored in part by Books by the Banks: Cincinnati Regional Book Festival.

Read about Preserving Taft, the Writing of E.B. White and the Digital Scholarship Center in Source.

source vol 16 no2Read Source, the online newsletter, to learn more about the news, events, people and happenings in UC Libraries.

This latest issue of Source includes a feature on the work of the Preservation Lab and their collaboration with the Archives and Rare Books Library on a collection about William Howard Taft. Xuemao Wang, dean and university librarian, talks about how libraries need to adapt for the future. Kevin Grace, university archivist and head of the Archives and Rare Books Library, writes about a collection centered around children’s books author and co-writer of The Elements of Style, E.B. White. A grant from The Andrew Mellon Foundation in support of the Digital Scholarship Center’s research on machine learning and data visualization in multiple disciplines in the humanities and beyond is announced. Dean Wang and Liz Scarpelli, director of the University of Cincinnati Press are interviewed about the progress of the Press one year in. Gino Pasi, archivist and curator for the Henry R. Winkler Center for the History of the Health Professions, writes about a set of historical and important surgery films recently digitized and made available. Other articles announce the Libraries’s Adopt-a-Book program and the 2016/17 Annual Progress Report.

Read these articles, as well as past issues, on the web at and via e-mail. To receive Source via e-mail, contact to be added to the mailing list.

Libraries’s Business Office Welcomes Two New People

Debbie Myree, director of business affairs, announced today two new additions to the UC Libraries’s Business Office.  Christopher A. Zonker joined the office Mon, February 26 and Dorcas Gichuru will begin on Thurs, March 1, 2018.

Chris comes to UC Libraries from General Cable Corporation and holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration/Accounting from the University of Cincinnati. He has a solid Accounts Payable background and a record of providing accuracy and attention to detail, which he used to automate key processes on two major projects during his career.  His experience in driving vendor compliance, invoice processing, month-end closing, financial reporting, Concur p-card transactions and working directly with customers, positions him to be successful in the Business and HR Operations.

Dorcas joins the Libraries from the College of Medicine, and her breadth of experience includes higher education, publishing and healthcare industries.  In addition to strong analytics and communication skills, she has demonstrated knowledge of SAP, UC Flex Business Warehouse, Concur and University of Cincinnati Financial Policies. Dorcas’s experience in fund accounting, financial reporting, budgeting, journal entries, deposits and PCR’s will be an asset to Business and HR Operations.

Welcome to UC Libraries, Chris and Dorcas.

Get Ready for a Night Full of Fun: WorldFest Trivia Night

Who doesn’t like trivia? Trivia contests offer a wonderful way to learn interesting facts and show what you know. Even if you don’t feel confident enough to compete you can always watch seasoned participants, learn some new, possibly surprising facts, connect with people, and have fun.

A library seems a natural place for a trivia contest. We are looking forward to welcoming everyone to our 3rd annual Trivia Night co-hosted by the UC Quiz Team and UC Libraries as part of the Worldfest 2018 program.

Here are the prizes you can win:

Some attendees are getting into a competitive mood and asking to share questions from past years in order to be better prepared.We have posted a link to last years’ quizzes at our Facebook event page. Please visit the page for information and updates.

Last but not least, there will be plenty of snacks and pizza for everyone!

Save the Date: WorldFest Trivia Night on February 28th

Please join us for the third annual WorldFest Trivia Night!

Tivia night flyer

UC WorldFest 2018 will be declared open with the Kick Off Ceremony on February 28, 5:30 PM – 8:00 PM. The theme of this event will be “A Trip across the World”.
See the complete schedule of UC WorldFest 2018 with program descriptions

Happy Year of the Dog!

This weekend, the Greater Cincinnati Chinese Chamber of Commerce hosted their annual Lunar New Year Gala. I was happy to attend, along with many of my UC colleagues.

Some of you may remember that the Walter C. Langsam Library hosted its own Lunar New Year celebration in 2015. I always welcome the opportunity to celebrity this important Chinese holiday. Happy Year of the Dog!

Me and my wife Wendy, along with some of my UC Libraries colleagues

UC Libraries’ Global Services Librarian Hong Cheng (center, in red dress) with a group of our JCI partners from College of Engineering and Applied Science



I Can’t Help Falling in Love with UC Libraries & the STRC

Using the Production Room in the Student Technology Resources Center (STRC), Nick Skowron recorded his version of Elvis’s “I Can’t Help Falling in Love with You” as part of an assignment for his Music Video class offered by the Digital Media Collaborative.

Feb. 28 Digital Humanities Speaker Series to Feature Two Speakers from the University of Iowa

digital humanities speaker series

Sponsored by the Digital Scholarship Center, the next Digital Humanities Speaker Series event, scheduled for Wed., Feb. 28 in both the Walter C. Langsam Library and the Donald C. Harrison Health Sciences Library, will feature David Eichmann, director and associate professor in the School of Library and Information Science, and Blaine Greteman, associate professor of English, both from the University of Iowa. Both sessions are free and open to all.

Blaine Greteman

Blaine Greteman

David Eichmann

David Eichmann

10:00 a.m.-noon: [Keynote]: “Networking Print: Small Worlds, Phase Transitions, and Hidden Histories in 500,000 Early English Books.” Led by: Blaine Greteman. Co-Presenter: David Eichmann.  Location: Walter C. Langsam Library 462

Noon-12:45 p.m.:  Lunch- all welcome, Langsam 462

1:30-3:30 p.m.:  “Identification of Collaborator Networks in Biomedicine (and How They Relate to the Printing/Publishing Community of Pre-1800 England).” Led By: David Eichmann. Co-Presenter: Blaine Greteman. Location: Donald C. Harrison Health Sciences Library, Dr. Stanley B. Troup Learning Space (MSB G005G)
David Eichmann has conducted research in relational database theory, software reuse and reengineering, web search engines and intelligent agents, biomedical informatics and ontology-based research profile harvesting and visualization.  His current projects include Shakeosphere (modeling the social network of the print community in England 1540-1800), CTSAsearch (aggregating research profiles from 70+ institutions), CD2H (an informatics coordinating center for the CTSA consortium) and Linked Data for Libraries (LD4L) (where he is part of a consortium exploring the next generation of library catalogs).

Blaine Greteman writes regularly for popular publications including The New Republic, Slate, TIME and The Week. His first book was The Poetics and Politics of Youth in Milton’s England (Cambridge University Press, 2013); his forthcoming book, Networking Early English Print (Stanford University Press), is based on Shakeosphere, a digital project built in collaboration with David Eichmann. Greteman holds an M.Phil from Oxford, where he attended on a Rhodes Scholarship, and a Ph.D. from U.C. Berkeley.

Located in the Walter C. Langsam Library, the Digital Scholarship Center (DSC) is a joint venture of the University of Cincinnati Libraries and the College of Arts and Sciences. Launched in September 2016 as an academic center, the DSC provides faculty and students across the university with support for digital project conception, design and implementation. For more about the Digital Scholarship Center, visit

Love Data Week 2018

“Hey Data-ful, do you come here often?”                              

“Why yes, yes I do, You can always find me in the repository.”

It is Love Data Week and time to show your love for your research output.

What is Love Data Week (#LDW18)?

From the Love Data Week website –

Similar to Open Access Week, the purpose of the Love Data Week (LDW) event is to raise awareness and build a community to engage on topics related to research data management, sharing, preservation, reuse, and library-based research data services. We will share practical tips, resources, and stories to help researchers at any stage in their career use good data practices.

Love Data Week is a social media event coordinated by research data specialists, mostly working in academic and research libraries or data archives or centers. We believe research data are the foundation of the scholarly record and crucial for advancing our knowledge of the world around us. If you care about research data, please join us! This event is open to any institution – small, large, research intensive or not, so please feel free to share, adapt, and improve upon it.  We encourage individuals, data librarians or otherwise, to participate in the campaign.

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