Looking East Book Signing Scheduled for June 24

Looking EastJoin UC Libraries for a public book signing for Looking East: William Howard Taft and the 1905 U.S. Diplomatic Mission to Asia. The Photographs of Harry Fowler Woods.

The event, scheduled for June 24, 7pm, at Joseph-Beth Booksellers in Rookwood Pavilion, will include readings by authors Margo Taft Stever and Hong Shen.

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OhioLINK Catalog and Hosted Services Unavailable June 12 & 13

All OH-TECH organizations – including OhioLINK – are moving to a new data center as the building that houses their current data center is slated to be demolished. The new location at the State of Ohio Computing Center will provide OhioLINK with a near-Tier 4 data center that can deliver a higher grade of services and achieve greater efficiencies.

Because of the move,  all OhioLINK hosted services will be down for the move during the following window: Friday, June 12, 6pm – Saturday, June 13, 12pm.

This will include:

  • OhioLINK website
  • Central Catalog
  • EJC
  • EBC
  • DRC
  • ETD
  • EAD
  • EZProxy
  • Rave URLS

OhioLINK mailing lists will not be affected by the outage, and OhioLINK staff will communicate with membership via email and social media (http://twitter.com/ohiolink and http://facebook.com/ohiolink) if necessary during the maintenance window.

Dr. Martin H. Fischer and The Cantagalli Pharmacy

By: Nathan Hood

Major renovations of the University of Cincinnati’s previous College of Medicine building, now the Health Professions building, led to The Winkler Center for the History of the Health Professions’ acquisition of numerous, intricately decorated artifacts altogether known as The Cantagalli Pharmacy. The entire collection represents a precise imitation of a 15th-16th Century Italian Apothecary and originally functioned as an exhibit for the 1900 Paris Exposition.

15th-century pharmacy Cantagalli II

The Cantagalli Pharmacy in its Exposition configuration.
This photo also serves as a link to film footage from the 1900 Paris Exposition.

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Documenting India: Day 11 and Time to Journey Home

Jay Sinnard, manager of the Student Technology Resources Center (STRC), is traveling with a UC class to provide media support as they record testimonials as part of their class project. This is a return trip for Jay as he traveled with this same class in spring 2014. He is applying lessons learned from that trip to make the student’s experience an even better one.

Over the course of their trip, Jay will share on this blog some of his observations, images and video from their travels. Check back often…

From Jay: Before heading to the airport to begin our journey back to the U.S., we visited a business in Bombay that cleans uniforms.

Documenting India: Day 10

Jay Sinnard, manager of the Student Technology Resources Center (STRC), is traveling with a UC class to provide media support as they record testimonials as part of their class project. This is a return trip for Jay as he traveled with this same class in spring 2014. He is applying lessons learned from that trip to make the student’s experience an even better one.

Over the course of their trip, Jay will share on this blog some of his observations, images and video from their travels. Check back often…

From Jay: Today was a very long day as we traveled from Goa to Bombay, India.

Documenting India: Day 9

Jay Sinnard, manager of the Student Technology Resources Center (STRC), is traveling with a UC class to provide media support as they record testimonials as part of their class project. This is a return trip for Jay as he traveled with this same class in spring 2014. He is applying lessons learned from that trip to make the student’s experience an even better one.

Over the course of their trip, Jay will share on this blog some of his observations, images and video from their travels. Check back often…

From Jay: Today we visited two NGOs and had lunch at the home of the son of one of our consultants on the trip. The view from his home was spectacular.

Review: The Mockingbird Next Door by Marja Miller


If you follow the literary world at all, you’ve probably heard that Harper Lee, author of To Kill a Mockingbird, is releasing her second book in July. Lee’s first story, published in 1960, follows Scout and her father Atticus Finch as he fights for civil rights in Maycomb, Alabama. The Pulitzer Prize winner has been read by millions of people and created quite the impact. Now fifty-five years later the author’s second book, Go Set a Watchman, will be released in July.

In the meantime, I picked up The Mockingbird Next Door: Life with Harper Lee by Marja Miller. Part memoir, part biography Marja had the rare opportunity to spend many months with Harper, called Nell by her friends, and Alice Lee. Alice, Harper’s sister, is a lawyer who followed in her father’s footsteps.

In 2001, the Chicago Public Library chose To Kill a Mockingbird for its One Book, One Chicago city-wide read. At that time Marja worked for the Chicago Tribune and was asked to travel south to Monroeville, Harper Lee’s hometown. She hoped to at least write about, Monroeville, the small-town Maycomb was based on. She never imagined she’d spend months in the company of Harper Lee and her sister, plus spend time with their close circle of friends.

The Mockingbird Next Door is one of the best nonfiction books I’ve read. Reading Ms. Mills book was like sitting with her at lunch and chatting with a friend. By the time I finished the book, I felt like I’d visited Monroeville and met the Lees. If you’re waiting to read Go Set a Watchman, this would be a great book to peruse, in the meantime.

Penny McGinnis
Technical Services Manager
Clermont College Library

Documenting India: Day 8

Jay Sinnard, manager of the Student Technology Resources Center (STRC), is traveling with a UC class to provide media support as they record testimonials as part of their class project. This is a return trip for Jay as he traveled with this same class in spring 2014. He is applying lessons learned from that trip to make the student’s experience an even better one.

Over the course of their trip, Jay will share on this blog some of his observations, images and video from their travels. Check back often…

From Jay: Today we traveled to Goa, India where we took some time to visit a church and relax in the hotel pool.