UCBA Library Hours for Spring Semester Exam Week

by Julie Robinson

exam hours clock

UCBA Library Hours – Exam Week 2016

Remember – shuttle service starts at 6:45a Monday through Thursday!

Sat. April 23 – noon-4p

Sun. April 24 – noon-4p

Mon. April 25 – 7:30a-9p

Tue. April 26 – 7:30a-9p

Wed. April 27 – 7:30a-9p

Thur. April 28 – 7:30a-9p

Fri. April 29 – noon-4p

Break hours begin Friday, April 29th through Sunday, May 8th.  The library will be open Closed Saturdays and Sundays during that time and open Monday through Thursday from noon-5p and Friday from noon-4p.  We will reopen Monday, May 9th under our Summer Semester hours, Monday through Thursday from 8a-6p and Friday from 8a-4p, and Closed Saturday and Sunday.  Please check out our website to plan your visit,http://libapps.libraries.uc.edu/cgi-bin/calcium/Calcium40.pl?CalendarName=UCBA&EventID=142&Date=2016%2F4%2F22

UCBA Library’s Whiteboards and Wine Event Wraps up NLW 2016

The UCBA Library wrapped up National Library Week 2016 with Whiteboards & Wine. Faculty came out to relax in the midst of end-of-semester activities with light snacks and wine. Faculty enjoyed coloring with artwork from various library collections, answered some fun, reading related questions and viewed the library’s NLW #librarytransforms video.

Many thanks to everyone who helped us celebrate National Library Week!

UCBA Library Celebrates National Library Week 2016

It’s National Library Week and the UCBA Library is celebrating! This year we are highlighting the ways libraries transform their communities. Check out our #librariestransform video to see some amazing UCBA faculty, staff, and students share their UCBA Library stories. Come into the library and celebrate this Thursday and Friday with Crayons and Candy. Relax a little with coloring therapy while enjoying an everlasting (and transforming) gobstopper. Want to capture your relaxation? Take a selfie in our #librariestransform selfie frame, or just stop by to check our new #librariestransform signs and celebrity READ posters.

We are proud and honored to be part of the UC Blue Ash community and look forward to celebrating with you this week!


Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month Display at UCBA Library

by Michelle McKinney

AAPIHeritageMonthA selection of books are now on display through April 29th in honor of Asian American and Pacific Island Heritage Month (usually celebrated during the month of May). Stop by the UCBA Library to check them out!


UCBA Fun Facts: Personal Lending Policy

Question: What is your policy on book lending?


Heather Maloney, Library Director: I share! Unless it’s a library book then I’m a little more protective. 😉



Michelle Michelle McKinney, Reference/Web Services Librarian: It depends on the book and who I’m lending it to…I’ve lost a few faves over the years and those folks can’t borrow from my anymore. 


KellieKellie Tilton, Instructional Technologies Librarian: I am an advocate of book lending! But only if I know the person well enough to know the book is coming back at some point. 


LaurenLauren Wahman, Instruction LibrarianNo policy. All of my books come from the Public Library of Cincinnati & Hamilton County. 



julierobinsonJulie Robinson, Library Operations Manager: Hardly ever. Streamlined my collection to keep mainly my absolute favorite hardcovers and first editions which I NEVER lend and the rest I borrow from the library.


pamadler Pam Adler, Public Services Assistant: Depends on the book. I rarely loan my hardcovers but if I have an ebook it’s yours to borrow. 


Exploring the UC Libraries

by Kellie Tilton

As many may know, the University of Cincinnati contains 13 awesome libraries amongst the three campuses of Uptown, Clermont and Blue Ash. As a librarian at the UCBA Library on the Blue Ash campus, I’ve been to Langsam Library numerous times and have visited a few others due to various meetings. In the two and half years I’ve worked for UC, however, I hadn’t really had the opportunity to really explore many of these collections. Over spring break, I had the chance to get the behind-the-scenes tour in eight of the 13 libraries.

By walking ten minutes across (and up!) the Uptown campus, I went from delighting over the DAAP Library’s vast snowglobe collection to admiring one of the Archive and Rare Books Library’s pre-printing press manuscripts. The resources available to all UC students, faculty and staff in the UC collections are vast, fascinating and one of the many great things about the University of Cincinnati.

If you have a chance, be sure to go seek out the many gems in the UC Libraries! To see some of my adventure, check out the photos below!

UCBA Fun Facts: Giving Bad Reviews

Question: How do you feel about giving a bad or negative review?


Heather Maloney, Library Director: Reading opinions can be very personal (especially if reading for leisure) so I keep it constructive and from a place of my own personal preference.


Michelle Michelle McKinney, Reference/Web Services Librarian: I like reading them if I don’t like a book. Sometimes I can’t find the words to describe why I don’t like a book and reading other people’s negative review helps. 


KellieKellie Tilton, Instructional Technologies Librarian: I think if the reviews are given critically, I’m okay with them. I also appreciate when reviewers acknowledge the difference between issues they personally had with a book and the issues that are problematic on a more general level. 


LaurenLauren Wahman, Instruction LibrarianI appreciate honesty and understand that not everyone is going to like the same books as me. 


julierobinsonJulie Robinson, Library Operations Manager: I try to keep it concrete and give specific examples, but just because I don’t care for a book doesn’t mean someone else won’t love it. I never want to discourage anyone from picking up a book. 


pamadler Pam Adler, Public Services Assistant: Reviews/opinions. I will give my opinion, good/bad/indifferent if asked. 



UCBA Fun Facts: Favorite Reading Snack

Question: What’s your favorite reading snack?


Heather Maloney, Library Director: I’m not much of a snacker when I read but a glass of wine or cup of tea is always nice. 



Michelle Michelle McKinney, Reference/Web Services Librarian: Peanut M & Ms



KellieKellie Tilton, Instructional Technologies Librarian: Water?




LaurenLauren Wahman, Instruction LibrarianNo favorites, just usually have water near me.



RachelRachel Lewis, Technical Services Manager: ALL things FOOD!



julierobinsonJulie Robinson, Library Operations Manager: If I get sucked into a good read, I don’t even know if people are around, much less a snack!



pamadler Pam Adler, Public Services Assistant: Nothing. I’ll have water or coffee but rarely any food while reading.






UCBA Library celebrates Women’s History Month

by Lauren Wahman and Heather Maloney


The UCBA Library celebrates Women’s History Month and the many contributions of women from past to present.  The display highlights a wide variety of books and media from local to global covering politics, activism and social change, science, art, literature, and business.

Stop in this month and borrow a book or DVD from the display!

Additional resources to explore Women’s History Month:​