NLM Biomedical Informatics: Bedside to Bench

GeneVariationAre the National Library of Medicine (NLM) National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) resources just for researchers or just for clinicians?  The upcoming HSL workshops on April 26 and May 18 will demonstrate that NCBI resources are for research, clinical and educational use.

NLM Biomedical Informatics: Bedside to Bench with NCBI will walk through a case study where participants will assist in diagnosing a genetic condition, identifying genetic tests for disease confirmation, and helping determine the molecular etiology of the disease. All while using NCBI resources.

So check it out. Find out how NCBI resources can work for you. Register for the April or May workshops being held in the HSL Troup Learning Space.

Questions? Contact Tiffany Grant, PhD

Dean’s Corner: Finding the Talent

Dean of University Libraries, Xuemao Wang

Dean of University Libraries, Xuemao Wang

Last month’s issue of UC Libraries’ newsletter Source featured two articles about the libraries’ process and progress in building capacity. Below is one of those articles in its entirety.


Finding the Talent: Building Capacity through Organizational Strategy and Partnerships with the Broader University Community

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SciFinder (Chemical Abstracts) Workshops & Consultations: March 24

On Thursday, March 24, UC Libraries will host topical workshops and Q&A/consultation session.  John Zabilski, SciFinder’s lead trainer and database expert will be our presenter.

These sessions will provide you with search techniques and tips to help scour the literature landscape and to keep updated on research findings. The workshops are designed for both advanced and entry-level SciFinder users.  Get to know SciFinder & register for your UC account at prior to the session.

You are welcome to attend any of the four session times.  Please register in advance: .

9:30 – 11:00 AM

SciFinder Workshop – Polymers/Materials  850D Baldwin (CEAS Library)

11:00 – 12:00 PM

SciFinder Consultation time / Q&A  850D Baldwin (CEAS Library)

1:30 – 3:00 PM

SciFinder Workshop – Drug Discovery/Clinical                                     /Pharmaceutical Research Areas Troup Learning Space G005G (Health Sciences Library)

3:00 – 4:00 PM

SciFinder Consultation time / Q&A Troup Learning Space G005G (Health Sciences Library)

Workshop topics will include the following:

  • Analyzing and refining searches with controlled terms
  • Substance detail enrichments (i.e. Experimental Data, Physical Prop., Regulatory info, etc.)
  • Structure/Markush Searching, and Patent Indexing
  • SciPlanner (interactive workspace for reaction & synthetis schemes)
  • Analytical Method indexing and Protocol Searching
  • User Alerts and Notifications

John Zabilski, Senior Application Specialist at Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS), has worked at CAS for 30+ years, with positions in editorial (organometallic), Customer Help Desk, new product development, and the STN search service.  John has a Bachelor’s in Chemistry from Cornell, did graduate work in chemistry at Texas A&M, and received a MBA from Ohio State University. John is a registered US Patent Agent.

Register now at to the session, register for your UC SciFinder account at

Questions?  Contact Ted Baldwin or Edith Starbuck

Celebrating the History of The College of Nursing with the Seventh Annual Cecil Striker Society Lecture

Dr. Cecil Striker

Cecil Striker
This photo serves as a link to the article “Dr. Cecil Striker,
An Essential Founder of the ADA.”

By: Nathan Hood

On Thursday, April 14th, the Winkler Center for the History of the Health Professions is excited to present its seventh annual Cecil Striker Society Lecture! This year, faculty and students celebrate the 100th Anniversary of the College of Nursing’s Bachelor Degree – which was implemented in the early 1916 in tandem with the creation of the School of Nursing and Health of the Cincinnati General Hospital. This baccalaureate program was, according to the Winkler Center’s records, the first of its kind in the United States and a product of the ‘melding’ between Cincinnati’s pre-existing nursing program and that of the University. This “merging” of affiliations between the nursing education program, the hospital, and the University was only the second instance of its kind in the country. Indeed, the event was revolutionary in more ways than one…

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Seeking Edible Book Creators for Annual Festival

edible books graphicKnow of a good book to eat?! Create an Edible Book for UC Libraries International Edible Books Festival.

It’s time once again for the fan favorite International Edible Books Festival scheduled for Friday, April 1, 2016, from 1-2pm in Langsam Library’s 5th floor lobby. UC Libraries is seeking people interested in creating an edible book for the enjoyment (and consumption) of all in attendance. There are few restrictions – namely that your creation be edible and have something to do with a book – so you may let your creativity run wild.  Continue reading

March 29 “Life of the Mind” Lecture to Feature Philosophy Professor Heidi L. Maibom

Life of the Mind, interdisciplinary conversations with UC faculty, will return Tuesday, March 29, 3:30-5pm in the Russell C. Myers Alumni Center with a lecture by Heidi L. Maibom, professor of philosophy in the McMicken College of Arts and Sciences, who will speak on “Know Others to Know Thyself: Uses and Misuses of Taking Another’s Perspective.”

Life of the Mind

Life of the Mind is a semi-annual lecture series that features a distinguished University of Cincinnati faculty member presenting his or her work and expertise. A panel of three responds to and discusses the lecture from diverse perspectives. The series includes intriguing insights from diverse perspectives and encourages faculty and students from across UC to engage in further discourse. The presentation is not simply a recitation of the faculty member’s work but promotes an informed point of view. Continue reading

DAAP Library Participating in Art+Feminism Edit-a-Thon March 5

On Saturday, March 5 from 10am – 3pm, Jennifer Krivickas, Head of the Robert A. Deshon and Karl J. Schlachter Library for Design, Architecture, Art and Planning (DAAP), and Kim Burleigh, professor in the School of Art, are teaming up with other DAAP colleagues to host an Art+Feminism Wikipedia Edit-a-Thon,  a “campaign to improve coverage of women and the arts on Wikipedia, and to encourage female editorship.” #artandfeminism Continue reading

Join Us for UC DATA Day April 5

On April 5, the University of Cincinnati Libraries and IT@UC are thrilled to host the first UC DATA Day. This day-long event will highlight innovative work being done by researchers and present the types of data services available to the research community. In addition, it will provide a forum to discuss data challenges and opportunities at the University of Cincinnati and beyond.

save the date

Scheduled for 8:30am-2:30pm in the Russell C. Myers Alumni Center, UC DATA Day will include a full schedule of events all free and open to the public. Keynote speaker Michael Huerta, PhD, from the National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health (NIH), will highlight his work in making data more discoverable, accessible, usable and open, in addition to speaking on his other areas of program development at the NIH. Other UC DATA Day events will include:

  • Cross-disciplinary panels of researchers known for their work with innovative or challenging data of any size – big to small. Each panelist will have approximately 15 minutes to highlight data practices, challenges and future opportunities. Rather than serve as research presentations, the panels will provide a broad audience with knowledge about data practices and challenges.
  • Lunchtime panel with service providers whose work supports data practices, including representatives from IT@UC, Office of Research, UC Libraries and more.

The full schedule for the day’s events is available through the event’s website at Seats are limited, so register now to attend – Both breakfast and lunch are included for those who register.

“I Have a Dream Exhibit” on Langsam’s 4th Floor

dreamA new exhibit has been installed on the 4th floor lobby of Langsam Library in honor of Black History Month. “I Have a Dream: Important Figures in Black History” highlights influential  politicians, media personalities, Civil Rights activists and inventors. Included in the exhibit are books, films and other items from the collections of UC Libraries. A bibliography is available in print at the exhibit and online. Continue reading