Read Source, the online newsletter, to learn about the news, events, people and happenings in UC Libraries.


Read Source, the online newsletter, to learn about the news, events, people and happenings in UC Libraries.

In this issue of Source, Liz Kiscaden, dean and university librarian, writes about how UC Libraries is taking advantage of funding opportunities to Invest in Strategic Priorities. The Archives and Rare Books Library announces receipt of a national grant to process historic Cincinnati schools desegregation case records.The Carl Solway Gallery Archive in the Robert A. Deshon and Karl J. Schlachter Library for Design, Architecture, Art and Planning (DAAP) Library is featured. Ted Baldwin, head of the Sciences Libraries, writes about how the razing of the iconic Crosley Tower will necessitate the move of the current Chemistry-Biology Library space to Braunstein Hall where it will merge with the Geology-Mathematics-Physics Library to become the Science Library opening fall semester.

Beginning in 2025, the Preservation Lab expanded its mission to provide expertise and services to the larger cultural heritage community, moving to a regional lab model. Under this new model, the Preservation Lab is now entirely managed, staffed and equipped by the University of Cincinnati. Two articles: Re-introducing the Preservation Lab and Exploring Historical Bindings: A Hands-On Workshop at UC’s Archives and Rare Books Library celebrate the Preservation Lab. Open Access publishing opportunities are discussed in this issue and upcoming Library Events are listed.

Read these articles, as well as past issues, on the website. To receive Source via e-mail, contact to be added to the mailing list.

Check out library Spring Break reduced hours, March 15-23

Most University of Cincinnati Libraries locations have reduced hours for Spring Break, March 15-23. Check the library website for a list of hours by location.

Have a safe and rejuvenating Spring Break, Bearcats!

spring break vine with lemons

    UC Libraries Closed Monday, Jan. 20 for Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

    The University of Cincinnati Libraries will be closed Monday, Jan. 20 in observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. The Libraries will resume normal hours on Tuesday, Jan. 21.

    Martin Luther King, Jr.
    Martin Luther King, Jr. from LIFE Magazine

    This Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, we invite you to join the Libraries Racial Equity, Support & Programming to Educate the Community Team (RESPECT) in commemorating this civil rights legend by checking out these library resources. In addition, just when you thought you knew everything there was to know about Martin Luther King, Jr., has compiled a list of 10 surprising facts that you probably didn’t know. For example, Martin Luther King, entered Morehouse College at the tender age of only 15!

    Acknowledging a job well done

    june taylor-slaughter

    In the spring of 2024, June Taylor-Slaughter, research and services specialist in the Science & Engineering Libraries, was working the UC Libraries help-line chat when author D. B. Borton asked an out of the ordinary question.

    Borton attended UC in the 1980’s and wanted to use Langsam Library as a setting for a mystery novel she was writing. Unable to recall information about the library carrels, she used Library Chat for answers. Barton said she wasn’t sure if anyone would be able to assist her. Coincidentally, June told her that she was also a student at that time working in Langsam Library. She was able to provide Borton with exactly the details she needed to include in her book. Borton was so grateful and told her she’d send her a copy.

    After not thinking about the instance for a while, June was pleasantly surprised one day when she received a copy of Borton’s finished novel along with a hand-written thank-you note – and on the third page of the book, a special acknowledgment.

    When asked about the acknowledgment, June said, “It was the best reward from working Library chat. You can help someone with the smallest thing, but you don’t know how much it’s appreciated until it’s acknowledged, so I am humbly grateful. This acknowledgment wasn’t just for me, but also for UC Libraries. I’m really looking forward to reading this book!”

    Need to study for exams? UC Libraries has multiple locations and options to fit all your needs.

    As we enter Exam Week (Dec. 8-14), check out UC Libraries various library locations to find the spot right for you.

    Langsam Library’s three floors offer a variety of study options from quiet (6th floor) to more communal (4th floor). Students can find a spot to meet their study goals at a carrel, group study room, the Langsam Living Room or a high-top table at Starbucks. During exams, Langsam offers extended hours.

    langsam library

    Is Langsam getting a little crowded? Visit one of our other library locations. Some recommendations:

    snag a study room in CECH; work on a comfy couch at the DAAP Library; finish a project in the CEAS Library reading room

    The Classics Library and the CCM Library, both located in Blegen, both have quiet Reading Rooms. The GMP and Chem-Bio libraries feature large, open areas with desks and flexible seating options. For those on the medical campus, the Health Sciences Library has three floors of study options.

    In addition, to UC Libraries, the university offers multiple study spaces including in college buildings, coffee shops, TUC and other student centers.

    Good luck, Bearcats!

    Open Scholarship Trainings from Center for Open Science

    UC Libraries is collaborating with the College of Allied Health Sciences Open Science Community of Practice to host the seven-module Center for Open Science trainings from January 22 to June 4, 2025. All are welcome to join and encouraged to share with contacts that might be interested to attend.

    Open Scholarship, which includes concepts such as Open Science, Open Research, Open Data, and Open Access, is a research approach that strives to make the research process as transparent and reproducible as possible. These trainings cover topics such as reproducible methods, data management and sharing, research collaborations and specific techniques such as preregistration, registered reports, preprints and teaching open scholarship. 

    We invite colleagues to register for the workshops facilitated by the Center for Open Science trainers as well as working sessions for a hands-on experience facilitated by UC Libraries focused on topics discussed in the trainings. The sessions will be both in-person and hybrid with light refreshments for the in-person sessions. Per the request of the COS facilitators, the sessions will be capped at 40 participants maximum. Given the cap, please ensure you can attend the sessions when registering. The faculty one stop instance will direct you to a MS form for registration.

    Registration Link –  The sessions will be held both in-person in the Visualization Lab 240H Braunstein in the Geology-Math-Physics Library and virtually.  

    The curriculum and dates for the trainings are:

    COS Module 1: Introduction to Open Scholarship – Jan 22

    COS Module 2: Management and Sharing – Jan 29

    UC working session – Feb 5

    COS Module 3: Reproducible Methods – Feb 26

    UC working session – March 5

    COS Module 4: Research Collaboration on the Open Science Framework (OSF) – March 26

    UC working session – April 9

    COS Module 5: Research Sharing – April 23

    UC working session – May 7

    COS Module 6: Preregistration and Registered Reports – May 14

    UC working session – May 28

    COS Module 7: Teaching about Open Scholarship – June 4

    Please contact AskData@UC.Edu if you have any questions about the trainings or the Center for Open Science.

    UC Libraries closed for Thanksgiving holiday


    The University of Cincinnati Libraries will be closed Thursday, November 28 through Saturday, November 30 for the Thanksgiving holiday, with some locations closed the entire holiday weekend and many library locations closing early on Wednesday, November 27 at 5pm. Check the listed hours for each library location’s specific hours.

    Have a safe and happy Thanksgiving!

    Welcome to the New GIS Research Consultants

    The Data and GIS Collab is pleased to welcome two new research consultants. 

    Andrew Ho, GIS research consultant

    Andrew is a current student pursuing a Bachelor of Urban Planning at DAAP. Andrew was born and raised in Ho Chi Minh City, or more commonly called as Saigon, in the tropical land of Vietnam. There, a vibrant fusion of French and East Asian architecture created a facade against the tree-lined boulevards, where modern skyscrapers clashed against centuries-old landmarks. That is also where he developed a loving passion for the urban environment.

    Andrew previously worked as an intern at the Department of Planning and Architecture at Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Along with planning and design, he got hands-on experience with GIS by working on research with logistical models and transportation networks. He hopes to continually enhance his skills while also helping others with GIS.

    Andrew is in the Lab until December 2024 and will return in summer 2025 after his co-op.

    Jenna Suhltz, GIS research consultant

    Jenna Shultz is a 4th year Civil Engineering student. Jenna has previous GIS work experience through several traffic engineering co-ops and is considering getting a masters in Community Planning.  Jenna is currently on co-op and will be in the Collab starting in January 2025. 

    The Data and GIS Collab

    The Data and GIS Collab provides information and consultations on GIS, software, research projects involving spatial data, and workshops on topics such as Esri Storymaps and ArcGIS Online.

    The Fall 2024 lab hours are:

    Monday9:00 am – 11:00 am2:00 pm – 4:00 pm
    Tuesday8:50 am – 10:50 am 
    Wednesday9:00 am – 12:00 pm2:00 pm – 4:00 pm
    Thursday8:50 am – 10:50 am 
    Friday10:00 am – 12:00 pm2:00 pm – 3:20 pm
    Data & GIS Collab Fall 2024 hours

    Questions? Email

    This special issue of the online newsletter, Source, announces the University of Cincinnati Libraries Strategic Plan, 2024-2027.

    source graphic

    Read Source, the online newsletter, to learn about the news, events, people and happenings in UC Libraries.

    In this issue of Source, Liz Kiscaden, dean and university librarian, announces UC Libraries Strategic Plan, 2024-2027. This participatory and data-informed process to draft a Strategic Plan resulted in a renewed mission, Values and four Strategic Directions: Enrich Our Collections, Expand Our Impact, Strengthen Our Organization and Support Our Students.

    This special issue of Source includes examples of how we’re already working to achieve the goals articulated in our Strategic Directions:

    • Enrich Our Collections. Social Activist with a press showcases recently acquired work of Amos Kennedy to the collections of the Archives and Rare Books Library.
    • Expand Our Impact. Read about Mac-Anthony Cobblah‘s, university librarian for the Sam Jonah Library at the University of Cape Coast, summer visit to UC Libraries, as well as an article about how three librarians from the Donald C. Harrison Health Sciences Library launched a pilot 15-week Systematic Review cohort.
    • Strengthen Our Organization. UC Libraries is building its capacity by welcoming new leaders to UC Libraries – Jéanne Brooks & Brian Gray.
    • Support Our Students. Two recent UC collaborations – one with the UC Learning Commons to provide student and tutoring opportunities in Langsam Library and another with the Accessibility Resources Offices to revamp the Accessible Technology Space – are prime examples of how UC Libraries is working for students.

    Read these articles, as well as past issues, on the website. To receive Source via e-mail, contact to be added to the mailing list.

    Announcing GIS Day Wednesday, November 20

    GIS day

    Presented by UC’s Departments of Geography and GIS and UC Libraries, GIS Day will feature keynote speaker Trisha Brush, a GIS career panel, along with opportunities to network and learn.

    Scheduled for Wednesday, Nov. 20 from 11am-2pm in the Faculty Enrichment Center (Langsam Library 540E), GIS Day is free and open to all to attend. Registration is requested.