Data & GIS Collab hours for the next two weeks

The hours for the Data & GIS Collab (located in the Geo-Math Physics library in Braunstein Hall) for the dates Friday July 7th to Monday July 17th  will be as follows:

Friday July 7th the consult hours will be 10 am to 2 pm

There will be no consult hours from Monday July 10th through Monday July 17th.  On July 18th  the normal schedule will resume.

During these times, both workstations will be available for self directed public use.

This information will also be on the campus guide:

Email ASKGIS@UC.Edu with questions

Sign into your ORCID account using your UC login

What is an ORCID?   ORCID stands for Open Researcher and Contributor ID.

You can now access your ORCID account using your UC login.

Visit the ORCID login page and click the Institutional Account button.  Choose University of Cincinnati Main Campus.  You will be prompted to link the two accounts.

Don’t have an ORCID yet?

You can register directly on the website

OR Even Better

You can access a prefilled registration form linked to your UC email through Scholar@UC on your profile page.

Currently you can enrich your ORCID profile with content in Scholar using a DOI given to the work. (link to video- 2017-03-17)

For more information about this new login feature, please refer to the blog post from ORCID

Contact ASKDATA@UC.EDU for more information or with questions.

Recent Scopus Enhancements

Check out recently enhanced features in Scopus!

Cited References:

  • Now goes back to 1970 for a more complete picture of author activity
  • Estimate 10,000+ articles will be re-processed to included cited references
  • Archives from all major publishers with available digital archives

Funding Data Expansion:

  • 2016 going forward; back fill to 2008
  • Provide full text funding information included with citation
  • Allows for verification & identifying additional funding sources

Open Access Journal Indicator:

  • ‘Sources’ or journals indexed in Scopus (click on Sources top right of screen) now provides ability to Display Open Access Journals
  • Click on ‘Browse sources’ and select  Display Open Access Journals


  • A simple metric for all Scopus Journals – look up a journal and see the CiteScore (similar to Impact Factor)
  • CiteScore value = (A) documents from past 3 years divided by (B) number of citations in a particular year


Image of CiteScore, a new feature in the database Scopus

Protocol Builder: Develop Clinical Research Protocols More Quickly and Easily

Protocol Builder is cloud-based protocol writing technology that
makes it faster and easier to develop investigator-initiated clinical
research protocols that meet IRB and regulatory standards.

The library is unable to subscribe at this time but would like to share the information about this protocol development tool.

If you would like to set up a webinar or learn more about Protocol Builder visit or call 800-901-5494.

Protocol Builder Fact Sheet

Key Benefits:

  • Save significant time and effort developing protocols
  • Improve adherence to IRB and regulatory standards
  • Enable collaboration among contributors
  • Advance the ability to publish research
  • Strengthen research programs and increase
    study pipelines

Key Features:

  • Automatic set up – enter basic information & appropriate protocol sections are set up based on protocol type
  • Protocol duplication – copy and re-purpose as needed
  • Advanced editing tools – insert references, tables, etc.
  • Easy to navigate contents menu – navigate to any section
  • Expert guidance – relevant instructions and expert tips
  • Resource center – sample protocols, educational and regulatory information
  • Share and review – invite others to review and add comments
  • Compare revisions – compare, then accept or disregard
  • Summary of changes – enter rationale for recent changes
  • Reference management software integration – pull in references from Endnote, RefWorks, Mendeley, and PubMed

Interested in more information or a webinar?  Visit or call 800-901-5494.

Two Librarians Recognized for Excellence

Each year, The Office of the Provost and the Office of Research collaborate to present the Dean’s Award for Faculty Excellence, which recognizes faculty members who represent excellence in all its forms. Each Dean nominates faculty from their respective units whom they deem worthy of this honor. This year, Dean Xuemao Wang recognized the work of Elna Saxton, head of Content Services in the Walter C. Langsam Library, and Tiffany Grant, interim assistant director for research and informatics at the Donald C. Harrison Health Sciences Library. Below is more about their awards. Congratulations, Elna and Tiffany!

elna saxton

(l to r) Dr. Patrick A. Limbach, VP for Research; Elna Saxton; and Peter E. Landgren, Interim Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost

Excellence Award for Faculty-to-Faculty Research Mentoring 2016-2017 – Elna Saxton

Elna has a long history of mentoring faculty members who work as part of her team.  She encourages them to develop their positions and skill sets and provides encouragement and other support to them.  Elna’s support of faculty in her unit is unconditional, even if that means they need to leave her team to move on to other career objectives within University of Cincinnati Libraries or elsewhere.

“Receiving this award is an honor and reflects on the many successful colleagues that I’ve had the good fortune to work with.  It is very rewarding to work with new faculty and engage with their professional and career development,” said Elna.

Tiffany Grant

(l to r) Dr. Patrick A. Limbach, VP for Research; Tiffany Grant; and Peter E. Landgren, Interim Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost

Award for Faculty Excellence 2016-2017 – Tiffany Grant

Tiffany has served as co-PI on the NIH Informationist Supplement grant “The Relationship Between Vortices, Acoustics, and Vibration in Vocal Fold Asymmetries”, working collaboratively with Dr. Khosla and his team.  Dr. Grant also coordinated the writing of and now implementation of the Faculty Development Grant UC Libraries received this year for the pilot of Electronic Lab Notebooks at the University of Cincinnati.  Last fall, Dr. Grant also invited the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) to come to the University for a series of workshops for UC faculty and staff.

“I am profoundly grateful to have been considered for such an honor. I truly enjoy the work that I do and those that I work with. My work in the Libraries has been tremendously rewarding, and I’m thankful for the continued support of my Health Sciences Library and University of Cincinnati colleagues. Any “excellence” that I may have achieved has largely been due to your example and support,” said Tiffany.

LabArchives Electronic Lab Notebook

The Donald C. Harrison Health Sciences Library, with funding from the University of Cincinnati’s Office of the Provost, is pleased to present the LabArchives Electronic Lab Notebook.

LabArchives has been selected as the Electronic Lab Notebook (ELN) vendor of choice due to its ability to assist in maintaining compliance, and to capture, secure and control data.


  • Provides discipline agnostic tools and plugins to increase functionality, research efficiency, and management of laboratory data.
  • Is compliant with Federal mandates including: Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), Internet2 Guidelines, FDA- 21 CFR Part 11 and the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPPA).
  •  Is a secure and intuitive cloud-based application enabling researchers to easily create, store, share and manage their research data.
  • Provides a flexible, extensible platform that can be easily customized to match your lab’s workflow providing benefits to Principal Investigators, lab managers’ staff, post doctoral fellows and grad students.
  • Can be integrated seamlessly with GraphPad Prism, MS-Office, PubMed, Box, Learning Management Systems and other software tools that are used extensively by Academic Health Center and university wide researchers.
  • Works on multiple platforms and devices including Mac, Windows, Android and iPad, allowing researchers to store and access their data virtually from anywhere with Internet access.

LabArchives has a platform in place that will provide UC researchers with tremendous data management capabilities and research efficiency.

  • An enterprise-wide license with LabArchives has been obtained for the Academic Health Center (AHC), which includes the Colleges of Medicine, Nursing, Allied Health Sciences and Pharmacy. This provides an unlimited amount of licenses to members of the UC AHC.
  • An additional 100 licenses have been reserved for non-Academic Health Center UC affiliates, and each of these additional licenses will be distributed on a first-come, first-served method.

For more information about LabArchives:

To sign up for a LabArchives Electronic Lab Notebook, please use the following campus links:

East Campus LabArchives Sign-up:

West Campus LabArchives Sign-up:

Contact Tiffany Grant, PhD, Research Informationist at the Harrison Health Sciences Library if you have questions. 558-9153 or

Please be aware that the total cost of the trial is paid through December 2017. Earnest efforts are being made to solidify continued funding. If funding is not obtained, users of the notebook may be asked to pay $124 per notebook per year after this date if they wish to continue use. Should researchers choose not to continue use, notebook contents can be downloaded for archival purposes.

Facts & Comparisons eAnswers – New Redesigned Interface

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Facts & Comparisons eAnswers has moved to their new redesigned interface!

For tips on how to use the new interface and enhanced content and tools, check out training videos and the quick reference guide also available from the lower right-hand corner of the Facts & Comparison eAnswers home page.

Annual Cecil Striker Society Lecture May 4 to Highlight African American Doctors in Cincinnati

cecil striker

The Henry R. Winkler Center for the History of the Health Professions and the Cecil Striker Society for the History of Medicine will host the Cecil Striker Society Annual Lecture from 5-7:30 p.m. on Thurs, May 4, in the Kresge Auditorium, Medical Sciences Building, 231 Albert Sabin Way.

This year’s lecture will consist of a panel discussion by prominent African American physicians and is titled “African American Physicians in Cincinnati: Past, Present and Future.”  Moderated by Dr. Elbert Nelson, the panelists will include Drs. Chester Pryor, Charles Dillard, Camille C. Graham and Christopher Lewis.

The evening will include the talk from 5-6 p.m., followed by Q&A and a reception at 6:30 p.m. In addition, an exhibit of the same name will be on display in the Lucas Board Room in the Winkler Center.

The Cecil Striker Lecture is free and open to the public, but RSVP’s are requested to (513) 558-5120 or Continue reading

UC Data Day 2017 Featured its First Student Poster Session








The major focus of UC Data Day is to build community around best practices for data and to provide a forum for discussion about challenges and opportunities in data management, data sharing, reproducible research and preservation.

At the first UC Data Day held in 2016, faculty panelists began the conversation and highlighted the diverse and broad approaches to these challenges.  For the second UC Data Day, we wanted to include a student voice as well.

Continue reading

Facts & Comparisons eAnswers Moves to Redesigned Interface

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Facts & Comparisons eAnswers is moving to their new redesigned interface and retiring the legacy view by the end of the month.  The library links to Facts & Comparisons eAnswers will continue to go to the legacy view until March 24, 2017.

Check out the new interface by clicking on the “Enter New Site” button.

For tips on how to use the new interface and enhanced content and tools, check out training videos and the quick reference guide also available from the lower right-hand corner of the Facts & Comparison eAnswers home page.