The University of Cincinnati Press recognized for social justice publishing

The University of Cincinnati Press has been named a 2023 finalist in social justice publishing from the Next Generation Indie Book Awards for their book Surviving the Americas: Garifuna Persistence from Nicaragua to New York City by Serena Cosgrove, Jose Idiaquez, Leonard Joseph Bent and Andrew Gorvetzian.

“Since UC’s faculty senate and university administration chose social justice to be our core area of publishing, the press is thrilled to have elevated the university’s publishing efforts to an internationally recognized stage as a publisher of social justice scholarship,” said Elizabeth Scarpelli, director of the University of Cincinnati Press. “These awards signal to scholars, students and experts that UC is a global leader in peer-reviewed social justice scholarship, open access publications and regional books. This recognition will help bring more award-winning, globally impactful scholarly and regional authors to UC as part of the #Next phase – Acceleration.”

About the book

In Surviving the Americas, Serena Cosgrove, José Idiáquez, Leonard Joseph Bent and Andrew Gorvetzian shed light on what it means to be Garifuna today, particularly in Nicaragua. Their research includes over nine months of fieldwork in Garifuna communities in the Pearl Lagoon on the southern Caribbean coast of Nicaragua and in New York City. The resulting ethnography illustrates the unique social issues of the Nicaraguan Garifuna and how their culture, traditions and reverence for their ancestors continues to persist.

About the Next Generation Indie Book Awards

The Next Generation Indie Book Awards is the largest International awards program for indie authors and independent publishers. In its seventeenth year of operation, the Next Generation Indie Book Awards was established to recognize and honor the most exceptional independently published books in 80+ different categories, for the year, and is presented by Independent Book Publishing Professionals Group in cooperation with Marilyn Allen of Allen Literary Agency (formerly the Allen O’Shea Literary Agency).

UC Clermont Library’s Digital Display

UC Clermont Library curates three monthly library material displays that pertain to timely issues inside the library and in display cases in the Snyder and Edith Peters Jones buildings. You’ve probably seen these throughout campus and maybe even checked out materials from one. For these physical displays we lay out books, DVDs, periodicals, and QR codes relating to a particular topic. We feature all materials available in these physical displays in our digital display so that you can explore what is on our physical display shelves from the comfort of your home, access electronic materials, and request items from each display.

UC Clermont Library’s New Books Blog

UC Clermont Library shares our newest purchases each month on our New Books Blog. You can browse this month’s newest titles or take a look at previous months. By clicking on the titles, you can see them in the catalog and put a hold request on any you are interested in. There is also the option to subscribe to the new books blog so you never miss a month!

Read Source for the news, events, people and happenings in UC Libraries

source cover

Read Source, the online newsletter, to learn about the news, events, people and happenings in UC Libraries.

In this issue of Source, Lori Harris writes about some of the changes that have occurred this past year as she has served as interim dean and university librarian. We announce Elizabeth Kiscaden as the next dean and university librarian, as well as a new digital collection in honor of Dr. Lucy Orinthia Oxley, the first African American to graduate from the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine.

Student workers are a key component to UC Libraries success, which is why the UC Libraries Student Worker Scholarship Fund was established. We announce the most recent winners of this scholarship. We spotlight the College of Engineering Library and look back at the successful inaugural year of Poetry Stacked. We interview ChatGPT to get its opinions about its potential role in libraries and academia and hype the new, and very popular, library stickers.

Read these articles, as well as past issues, on the website. To receive Source via e-mail, contact to be added to the mailing list.

Covidence Pilot

The HSL is piloting Covidence for the next year (until June 2024). Covidence is an online tool that streamlines the production of systematic reviews, scoping reviews, and other literature-intensive research projects. It coordinates the screening process of title/abstracts and full-text articles, and it facilitates the population of data extraction forms and risk of bias tables. This pilot allows all UC faculty, staff, and students to create an unlimited number of reviews. After the pilot, our librarians will perform an assessment of its use, its impact, and our budget to determine if the subscription will continue.

If you are interested in using this tool, please see our libguide and other helpful resources:


Please note that the HSL will not be able to provide systematic review support (search creation, review process, etc.) to individuals outside of our liaison areas. If you are wanting to conduct a systematic or scoping review and are not at the CoM, CoP, CoN, or CAHS please explore our Systematic Review LibGuide or our self-paced module So you want to conduct a systematic review.

If you have questions or would like to discuss Covidence or Systematic Review assistance with a librarian please reach out at:

New iPads Available at UC Clermont

iPad with key boardUC Clermont has updated its offerings of iPads. There are now 5 new iPad kits available for UC Clermont students and faculty to borrow. The kits include an iPad, keyboard, Apple pencil, USB-C charger, charging adapter, USB-C to lightening adapter, and carrying case. They can be borrowed from the UC Clermont Library front desk for up to one-week. The included apps are Canvas, OneDrive, Zoom, and more.

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Celebrate Pride with the CECH Library!

Check out the Pride display all month long at the CECH Library!

Explore childrens’ and YA titles that span the spectrum of sexuality and gender identity and celebrate LGBTQIA+ figures and history. To find more LGBTQIA+ titles, check out our reading list available on the CECH Library website.

Coming Soon: Updates to the UC Clermont 2nd Floor

Empty shelves with a pardon our dust signIf you’re visiting UC Clermont’s 2nd floor this summer, you may notice some strange things: empty shelves, full carts, or moving furniture. We’re hard at work in order to have a new floor layout and new services offered on our quiet study floor by fall semester. We’re confident that the updates will provide an improved student learning experience, so stay tuned!

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Honoring Pride Month with UC Libraries Collections

By Nimisha Bhat, Assistant Librarian for History, Anthropology, and Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
With the start of summer and Pride month, it’s a great time to check out some highlights from UC’s library & consortium collections to celebrate trans history, queer culture and LGBTQIA liberation! Here are a few titles to learn from and enjoy:  Continue reading

UCBA Library’s June Spotlight: Art

by Christian Boyles

The UCBA Library is excited to showcase titles in our collection which we hope will be of interest.  We will feature different genres, authors, or themes, so watch for new titles at the start of each month. Spotlight titles can be found at the Library’s Information Desk. 

Book covers of the June titles.

June’s Spotlight is Art!  

Interested in more titles about Art? Ask Us!