UCBA Library’s June Spotlight: Art

by Christian Boyles

The UCBA Library is excited to showcase titles in our collection which we hope will be of interest.  We will feature different genres, authors, or themes, so watch for new titles at the start of each month. Spotlight titles can be found at the Library’s Information Desk. 

Book covers of the June titles.

June’s Spotlight is Art!  

Interested in more titles about Art? Ask Us! 

Easier Browsing, Improved Wayfinding in CECH Library


This gallery contains 3 photos.

We’re happy to announce that we have recently installed improved signage in the CECH Library. The new signage clearly identifies the locations of our various types of children’s literature, as well as high-traffic areas like our info desk, makerlab, and … Continue reading

Join us for UC ORCID Awareness Day Thursday, June 8

orcid id logoOn Thursday, June 8, the University of Cincinnati Libraries Research & Data Services (R&DS) team will host a UC ORCID AWARENESS Day as part of the Data and Computational Science Series. We invite you to come to Rm 540B in the Faculty Enrichment Center, 5th floor of the Walter C. Langsam Library, to activate or enrich your ORCID profile.

What is an ORCID

ORCID stands for Open Researcher and Contributor ID. It is a 16-number identifier unique to you as an author and researcher.

Why should I have an ORCID?

  • To distinguish you as a unique author
  • To build an online profile about your scholarship and research contributions
  • To help you easily access research infrastructure
  • To get ahead of possible coming requirements for having an ORCID

Does it take a lot of time to activate and maintain an ORCID?

To set it up will take about 5-10 mins, and you can use automated tools to maintain it.

Does it cost something?

To register for an ORCID is free.


Details about UC ORCID AWARENESS Day

When:                  Thursday, June 8, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. This is a free and open event.

Where:                 Faculty Enrichment Center (RM 540B, Walter C. Langsam Library)

What:                   Work with UC Libraries R&DS team members to active or enrich your ORCID profile using automated tools.

Who:                     Any researcher who publishes or applies for grants

Grab an ORCID Cookie and get started increasing your research impact.

Register to attend, although drop-ins are welcome.

RESPECT Presents a 20-Day Self-Education Against Systemic Racism

20-day challenge graphicSystemic racism is defined as “policies and practices that exist throughout a whole society or organization, and that result in and support a continued unfair advantage to some people and unfair or harmful treatment of others based on race (Cambridge Dictionary).” How does systemic racism bleed into education? The University of Cincinnati Libraries’ R.E.S.P.E.C.T. developed a 20-Day Self-Education Challenge to explore examples of systemic racism – both past and present – that exist in various areas of education, along with ways in which we can help dismantle those practices.

Scheduled to take place May 22-June 16, the challenge is divided into four weeks, each with a different theme.

  • Week 1: Critical Race Theory – what is it?
  • Week 2: Systemic Racism in Education – a history
  • Week 3: Systemic Racism in Academia
  • Week 4: Systemic Racism in Academic Libraries

Learn on your own and then gather online each Friday at 11am via Zoom for a moderated discussion of each week’s module. Register now to watch, read and listen to informative pieces. The challenge is free and open to all. Each week’s module will be sent to those who register along with the Zoom link for the weekly conversation

R.E.S.P.E.C.T. (Racial Equity Support & Programming to Educate the Community Team) is a UC Libraries committee charged with developing external programming that explicitly addresses the negative role that systemic racism plays in our society.

Data Center Planned Outage – Library Services Impacted

There is a power outage scheduled for the University of Cincinnati’s primary Data Center beginning at 6:00 p.m. on Friday, May 12, and lasting as late as 8:00 a.m. on Sunday, May 14. Digital Technology Solutions (DTS) will be performing maintenance in the Data Center during this time. Many commonly used cloud-hosted services will remain available.

The UC Libraries website will remain up during the outage; however, some parts of the website will be unavailable, including:

  • Browzine integration with Summon
  • The staff directory
  • The student employment application
  • Some Contact Us forms
  • The “Journals” and “Books” search tabs on homepage
  • My Library Record

In addition, the following library sites/services will be down during the outage:

  • uclid.uc.edu (Library Catalog)
  • scholar.uc.edu
  • journals.uc.edu
  • digital.libraries.uc.edu (including Luna)
  • data.libraries.uc.edu
  • libapps.libraries.uc.edu (including the Source blog, LiBlog, Omeka S and Exhibits

More information, and a list of UC services that will be affected during the outage, can be found on DTS’s internal website (UC access only).

HSL Newsletter: May Updates

May Updates

This month’s newsletter is extra short but is packed with great tools to help you gear up for summer! From new resources to Read & Publish deals and learning opportunities –we have the resources to fuel learning and research. If you have workshop suggestions, questions, or comments – leave us feedback.

New HSL ResourcesHSL New Resources Libguide

For the first time in a long time, the HSL has been able to purchase a number of new titles. Explore these new resources at: https://guides.libraries.uc.edu/new_resources

Continue reading

UCBA Library’s May Spotlight: Space

by Christian Boyles

The UCBA Library is excited to showcase titles in our collection which we hope will be of interest.  We will feature different genres, authors, or themes, so watch for new titles at the start of each month. Spotlight titles can be found at the Library’s Information Desk.

May’s Spotlight is Space!

Book covers of suggested May titles

Interested in more titles about Space? Ask Us!