Poetry Anthology, Vol. 1 on sale now!

Buy your copy today for $50+tax. Available via the University of Cincinnati Press web site.

The Poetry Stacked Anthology, Volume 1 features the work of the poets, artists and dancers of the 2022-23 series. Accomplished poets featured in the Poetry Anthology, Volume 1 include University of Cincinnati faculty members Alecia Beymer, Elijah Guerra, Aditi Machado and Felicia Zamora, along with current and former University of Cincinnati students Hussain Ahmed, Taylor Byas, Casey Harloe, Asher Marron, Nicholas Molbert, Dior Stephens and Connor Yeck. Community poets bring a vibrancy to the Poetry Anthology with Manuel Iris, Violeta Orozco, Caroline Plasket, Kristen Renzi and Ohio Poet Laureate Kari Gunter-Seymour.

Art, dance and poetry coalesce in the Poetry Anthology highlighting the UC College-Conservatory of Music students Sydney D’Orso, Emilia Mieczykowski and Gracie Zamiska and College of Design, Architecture, Art and Planning artists Kyle Angel, Kelsey Linder and Pedal Miranda.

poetry stacked anthology

The Anthology is a true artist book. Printed on bright pink paper with a four-part insert on colorful paper, its structure is an accordion fold that reveals each part upon opening. The first three parts include poems, artwork and illustrations from the featured 16 poets of the 2022-23 Poetry Stacked reading series. The fourth part features an Editor’s Note from student editor Grace Guy and biographies of the poets, artists and dancers.

The reverse side includes a list of the poets, the Poetry Stacked branding and two pockets – one containing the Poetry Stacked sticker and another for the book’s owner to fill.

The Anthology was a collaboration between the Elliston Poetry Room, University of Cincinnati Libraries, the Preservation Lab and the University of Cincinnati Press. The Anthology was edited by Grace Guy, Ben Kline and Michael Peterson.The form was created by Holly Prochaska with Melissa Cox Norris designing the layout and cover art. Jessica Ebert, Catarina Figueirinhas, Hyacinth Tucker and Holly Prochaska assembled the Anthology.

A limited run of 50 are available for purchase.

poetry stacked anthology

A semi-regular poetry reading series held in the 6th floor east stacks of the Walter C. Langsam Library, the mission of Poetry Stacked is to celebrate poetry and raise awareness of the collections of both UC Libraries and the Elliston Poetry Room.

Each reading engages audiences via exposure to contemporary poetry and increases appreciation for both the talents of UC and community poets, as well as for poetry itself. Poetry Stacked is free and open to all to attend. Following each reading, guests are invited to tour the Elliston Poetry Room.

Nearing the Limit – UC Libraries Read & Publish Deals with Elsevier, Springer, and Wiley

As a member of OhioLINK, the state’s academic library consortium, University of Cincinnati authors have access to all Elsevier, Wiley, and Springer journals in addition to open access publishing benefits that are subject to an annual limit.

The Elsevier, Wiley, and Springer deals have a maximum number of articles per year that may be published as Open Access under this agreement. It is very likely that University of Cincinnati will reach its limit in 2024 for all 3 publishers. Find more details below. When the 2024 calendar year limit is reached, corresponding authors will no longer see the option to publish Open Access at no charge during their article publishing process.

Corresponding authors have two options: 1) they can choose to publish Open Access on their own and pay the APC, or 2) if they are submitting to a hybrid journal, they can choose to publish the article under the traditional subscription access model at no charge.

Contact Sharon Purtee with questions – purteesa@ucmail.uc.edu.

You can find more information and stay current here: https://guides.libraries.uc.edu/OA_APC




Service Note: Library Catalog unavailable August 14 for maintenance

The University of Cincinnati Libraries’ catalog server will be offline for maintenance beginning at 9:00 a.m. August 14th. A server migration will be performed and is expected to take up to 8 hours.

Web connections to uclid.uc.edu, the library catalog, will be unavailable during this time. The Libraries website and other online services will still be available.

Thank you for your understanding while we perform maintenance.

New Books in the Science Libraries

A few interesting titles have been added to the Geology-Math-Physics and Langsam Libraries.

Click here to access the May-June 2024 list.

If you have any questions about these books, contact Ted Baldwin, Director of the Science and Engineering Libraries, at Ted.Baldwin@uc.edu.

Changing of the GRS

Change happens. It’s a fact of life. For lots of reasons. Recent changes to the General Records Schedule, the document providing direction for the disposition of records generated by UC personnel, show that it’s no different for records retention. While slight, the changes were still essential to executing the records management program. What is as important as change happening is that these changes be documented for and shared with relevant stakeholders. Fortunately, at UC a process exists for that. It occurs in three phases: the reason behind the changes, how the GRS is updated, and communication of the changes.

General Records Schedule
Archives and Rare Books Library
Records management
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New Health and Business eBook Collection from Taylor & Francis

UC Clermont students have requested more access to digital resources in their fields of study and the library is here to help! This summer, the Frederick A. Marcotte Library at UC Clermont has established perpetual access to a new collection of Health and Business eBooks through Taylor and Francis. You can follow this link to check out the whole digital collection here.

15th Annual Cecil Striker Society Lecture examined neurology at the University of Cincinnati

Lecture video now available for viewing.

Anatomical chromographs of the human male and the human female by Gladys McHugh

Among the joys of the spring season at the Henry R. Winkler Center for the History of the Health Professions is the annual Cecil Striker Society Lecture. On May 7, 2024 the esteemed Joseph P. Broderick, MD, medical director at the UC Gardner Neuroscience Institute and professor of neurology in the UC College of Medicine addressed the assembly at Kresge Auditorium for the 15th Striker Lecture.

Dr. Broderick’s Cincinnati Neurology: From Astute Human Observations to Life-changing Therapies chronicled the leadership of the Department of Neurology & Rehabilitation Medicine, the vast advances in neurological science and treatments.Through an examination of history and subtle humor, Dr. Broderick took the audience on an epoch journey of brain science discoveries that have transformed neurological science during his esteemed career. He enlightened that in the 1950s and 1960s neurological conditions and diseases most often led to patient death, while today with the advances in neurology there is much hope for patients and their families.

2024 Cecil Striker Society Lecture

Graphic design by Melissa Norris
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Classics Library: Student Assistant Positions Available — Apply Now!

The John Miller Burnam Classics Library is looking to hire energetic, hard-working, and responsible student assistants.

The UC Classics Library is the premier classics library in the country thanks to its world-class collections and it is a destination library for national and international students and scholars.

We are seeking highly motivated student workers for fall semester openings. We offer employment of c. 10-15 hours a week. Unlike most jobs, we work around your class and exam schedules when planning the work schedule for each semester. Thanks to the variety of responsibilities and the excellence of the collections, working in the Classics Library can improve your research and library skills which are important for academic success as well as add to your CV and list of references.

In addition to being a valued member of an international and vibrant scholarly community and a distinguished library, you will be trained in varied and detail-oriented tasks ranging from staffing the circulation desk to shelving books, searching book lists against the library’s catalog, scanning documents, checking for broken web links, dusting shelves, and anything and everything a large and modern academic research library requires. We guarantee that you will not be bored, but because of our library’s important responsibilities and your limited work hours, you will be required to focus on the many tasks of the job rather than on personal social media or homework.

Because of the highly specialized nature of the Classics Library, we prioritize students with a background in Classical Studies and the Humanities in addition to students with western foreign language training, especially in German, French, Italian, Spanish, Greek in addition to in ancient Greek and Latin. Also, because of a limited budget, we prioritize students on a federal Work/Study grant although we do hire non-work/study students as well.

If this sounds like a good fit for you, please contact us to learn more and to set up an interview at your earliest convenience. Please submit your CV and application form (copy and paste the form into word) to:

Rebecka Lindau, head, rebecka.lindau@uc.edu

The library is located on the 1st floor of the Blegen Library building.

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