CANCELLED: Got Data?! Join Us for the Data Visualization Showcase Oct. 25


The University of Cincinnati Libraries’ Research & Data Services is calling for virtual submissions that best demonstrate the power of visualization to present complex data.


The Data Visualization Showcase will be held from 1-3 pm on Friday, Oct. 25, 2019 in the Visualization Laboratory (240H Braunstein Hall, Geology-Mathematics-Physics Library). Coffee and refreshments will be served. All are welcome.

Eligibility & Deadlines

Submissions for the showcase are open to all University of Cincinnati affiliates, but must be submitted to by Oct. 11 to be considered for the awards. All submissions will be evaluated by a panel of judges and should follow submission guidelines.


The showcase will be juried by a panel of interdisciplinary judges scoring each submission on the following four tenants of data visualization: Impact, Storytelling, Technical Aptitude and Creativity. See the rubric for more details.

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10 year anniversary STRC@Langsam YouTube site

10 years ago on September 1st 2009 the STRC uploaded their first video to YouTube.   The video was of a old book that was sent to UCL’s Conservation and Binding department.  They needed a quick way to show someone in California how the book would be repaired. 10 years later the STRC site has 300 videos, 400,000 views and 367 subscribers.  178 of the videos are UC student projects made at the STRC editing suites and STRC video production room.  Below is a link to the most viewed student project (Tom Cruise on Teaching Composition) with 15,000 views. And also below is a link to the first video added 10 years ago, (Conservation of book) with 7,300 views.


videos STRC


Welcome, Melissa Previtera, Health Sciences Library/Winkler Center Academic & Research Services Specialist

On Tuesday, Sept. 3, Melissa Previtera began her position at the University of Cincinnati Libraries as the academic and research services specialist for the Donald C. Harrison Health Sciences Library (HSL) and the Henry R. Winkler Center for the History of the Health Professions (Winkler Center).

Melissa is a familiar face in UC Libraries having worked previously in the HSL/Winkler Center, College of Engineering and Applied Science Library, and most recently at the College of Education, Criminal Justice and Human Services Library. In this new role, she will work closely with HSL and Winkler Center faculty as well as members of the Winkler Center Board, College of Medicine, College of Nursing, College of Pharmacy and Allied Health faculty, researchers, staff and students.

Welcome (back), Melissa!

Most UC Libraries Closed Labor Day, Monday, Sept. 2

labor dayUC Libraries will be closed Monday, September 2 for Labor Day, except for the Donald C. Harrison Health Sciences Library, which will be open 9am-5pm. This closing includes the Walter C. Langsam Library 4th floor space, which will close Sunday, September 1 at 11pm and re-open Tuesday, September 3 at 7:45am.

A complete listing of library hours can be found online at

Enjoy the long holiday weekend.

Welcome Back!

HSL Updates

September 2019, Vol. 1

On behalf of the faculty, staff and students of the Donald C. Harrison Health Sciences Library (HSL), – welcome back for the 2019-2020 school year.  I would like to share with you some library updates and links that you can easily access for information as it relates to classes being offered in the HSL, hours of operation, new technology, upcoming lectures and collaborative spaces for study and research.

HSL upgrades:

  • Over the summer, the electrical engineers were able to finalize the upgrades of lights on the R, E and G levels of the library
  • New power outlets were installed on the R-Level of the library.
  • At the request of HSGA representatives from last year, the HSL purchased four (4) new ergonomic stand-up tables that are located in the Computer Lab.
  • In mid-September the HSL Circulation Desk students will begin offering scheduled 20-minute walking tours of the HSL Library and Winkler Center.  The tour will include, but is not limited to information on equipment that can be checked out, HSL IT Help Desk services, how to navigate the Computer Lab and information on the HSL’s Electronic Classroom.  Look for more information about the tours in October.

HSL Updates will be posted on a monthly basis to share the HSL Workshop calendar and any other information related to things happening in the HSL.  If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me directly.  As always, we are happy to welcome you into the HSL.


Lori E. Harris, Interim Director
Donald C. Harrison Health Sciences Library and
the Henry R. Winkler Center for the History of the Health Professions
Tel:  (513) 558-0315
Fax: (513) 558-2682


The Archives and Rare Books Library presents the 2nd annual German-Americana Lecture, which will feature Frederic Krome

August, Hans and Adelaide Schiller

August, Hans and Adelaide Schiller

The second annual German-Americana lecture, scheduled for Thursday, Sept. 19, 3-4:30 p.m., in Annie Laws (407 Teachers/Dyer), will feature Frederic Krome, professor of history at UC Clermont College who will speak about his recent research on the unpublished memoirs of a World War I German soldier. “In Times of War: Hans Schiller’s Recovered Memoirs” will provide a fascinating window into the motivations and experiences of Hans Schiller during tumultuous times, without the extensive post war re-writing so common to what historians are starting to refer to as “Ego Documents.”

Enlisting in the German Army in the fall of 1914, Hans Schiller fought on the Eastern, Italian and Western fronts during the war, and with the Freikorps in the Baltic from 1919-21. Sometime in 1922, as he was recovering from Scarlet Fever, Hans Schiller collated his notes and wrote a memoir of his military service. The handwritten memoir was then placed in a box, where it lay as Schiller married, had a family, and in 1939 was recalled to active duty as an occupation administrator in Eastern Europe. In January 1945 he committed suicide and his manuscript, still in the box, came to his younger daughter, who immigrated to the U.S. in the 1950s. It was re-discovered by Karin Wagner, Schiller’s granddaughter, shortly before her mother’s death.

frederic krome

Frederic Krome

Frederic Krome, (Ph.D. University of Cincinnati, 1992) taught at Northern Kentucky University (1992-98) before becoming the managing editor of the American Jewish Archives Journal at the Jacob Rader Marcus Center of the American Jewish Archives, Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion. Since 2007 he has taught at the University of Cincinnati. His publications include The Jews of Cincinnati (with John Fine), The Jewish Hospital and Cincinnati Jews in Medicine (2015), and Fighting the Future War: An Anthology of Science Fiction War Stories, 1914-45 (2012), along with numerous articles and book reviews.

Organized by the Archives and Rare Books Library, the German-Americana Lecture is free and open to all, but reservations are requested to or by phone at (513) 556-1394.

The German-Americana Lecture is generously supported by The Charlotte and Edward Unnewehr Fund for the German-Americana Collection made possible by the Marge and Charles J. Schott Foundation.

Libraries Moving to Mediated Service Model for Kanopy Streaming Videos

kanopy home screen
Kanopy, the University of Cincinnati Libraries’ on-demand streaming video service available at, is a content-rich, much-used resource. However, the Libraries’ materials budget cannot sustain the current level of spending for Kanopy. It is important to note that films obtained in Kanopy are not owned, but leased for one year at $135 per lease. When the lease has expired, the film can then be triggered for another one-year lease.

In the past, Kanopy films were automatically leased after 30 seconds of viewing by any user with access to the library, including walk-in visitors. In an effort to eliminate purchases triggered by casual users and to focus on course-related use of the rich academic material included in Kanopy, UC Libraries is moving to a mediated leasing model beginning the 2019 fall semester.

University of Cincinnati students, faculty, and staff will continue to have immediate access to films currently leased by UC (approximately 645 titles as of June 2019) until they expire. People will still be able to search in Kanopy for films the Libraries does not already lease, however, when attempting to access such a film, users will have the option to select the “request” button next to the film, fill out the form, and the Libraries will work to fulfill the request, typically obtaining a new lease within one business day.

For additional streaming video sources, or for further information on the mediation of Kanopy films, please visit the Libraries’ Kanopy LibGuide at

For more information regarding Kanopy’s streaming service please read the following article from the May 2019 issue of Film Quarterly at

Announcing the Redesigned UC Libraries Website

redesigned libraries homepage

Check out the redesigned Libraries website scheduled to launch Thursday, Aug. 15.

Some of the new features and upgrades of the UC Libraries website redesign include:

  • updated look and feel and an uncluttered homepage
  • refreshed, user-centric content under the categories of: “Find, Request, Borrow,” “Special Collections,” “Research and Teaching Support,” “Spaces and Technology,” “About” and “My Accounts”
  • tabbed search box located prominently front and center at the top of the homepage, allowing users to search for articles, books, journals and databases much more quickly and easily
  • ability to search Research Guides by subject via the homepage
  • call-outs for Special Collections, Digital Technologies & Innovation and Library as Place
  • library news and links to information such as the Strategic Plan, Progress Report, Staff Directory and more.

Included in the redesign are all college and departmental (C&D) library web pages from the Archives to Rare Books Library to the Henry R. Winkler Center for the History of the Health Professions, as well as the Clermont College Library and UC Blue Ash College Library web pages.

While the starting web address of the site remains the same –, the navigation and content within the site has changed, so update any links or bookmarks you may have to the site. And while great care was taken to be accurate, if broken links or missing content are discovered, contact Team Dynamix.

NIH Data and Open Science Expert to Present Lecture and Workshop on September 17, 2019

Image of Dr. Lisa Federer

Dr. Lisa Federer, PhD, MLIS

Join UC Libraries and IT@UC for a lecture on the reuse of biomedical research data and a workshop on data visualization in R.

On September 17th, Dr. Lisa Federer, Data and Open Science Librarian for the National Library of Medicine, will visit UC as part of our Data and Computational Science Series (DCS2).

The DCS2 planning committee cordially invites you to attend Dr. Federer’s lecture, luncheon and workshop.

Lecture and Luncheon:

If You Share It, Will They Come? Quantifying and Characterizing Reuse of Biomedical Research Data
Tuesday, September 17, 2019 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM
Henry R. Winkler Center for the History of the Health Professions, Stanley J. Lucas, MD Board Room.


Endless Forms Most Beautiful: Creating Customized Data Visualization with ggplot2 in R
Tuesday, September 17, 2019 1:30 PM to 3:30 PM
Donald C. Harrison Health Sciences Library, Dr. Stanley B. Troup Learning Space.

These events are free and open to all. Registration is required.

Register for the Lecture and LuncheonRegister for the Workshop.

Please be sure to log into the Faculty Development OneStop website to complete your registration.

Registration also permitted via phone and email | (513) 558-0725 |

These events are funded through a universal provider grant awarded by the Provost Office.