Get to Know the Clermont College Library Staff: Katie Foran-Mulcahy

Katie Foran-Mulcahy, Clermont College Library Director

IMG_0258-flat-120I have worked in libraries for almost 12 years.  My first library job was as a shelver at the Lexington Public Library.  After graduate school Iaccepted a full-time Instructional Services Librarian job at Berea College, where I worked for two years.  My next job was as a librarian at the Clermont County Public Libraryin Amelia where I focused on Adult Services and Reference.  I loved working in Clermont County but missed the academic setting, so I applied for an opening at UC Clermont’s library in 2010.  After working as a Reference and Instruction Librarian here for a few years I became interested in library leadership and served as the Interim Director for 18 months.  The Dean appointed me as Director in July 2015.

I love planning and thinking about the future of library facilities and services.  Despite huge changes in the information landscape, libraries continue to focus on providing engaging spaces, promoting access to information, and teaching critical thinking skills.  All of the library staff tackle these jobs together, and it’s incredibly rewarding!

In my spare time when I’m not at work, I like to cook, watch documentaries, enjoy live music, and hang out with my husband and our dogs.

Something that might surprise you about me is that I am a huge fan of hip-hop, particularly from the 1990s.

A few of my favorite things:

Book: Tess of the d’Urbervilles by Thomas Hardy

Music: Beach House

Movie: Royal Tenenbaums

TV Show: Mad Men, Parks and Recreation, and Chopped


We’re here to help-

Katie Foran-Mulcahy
Library Director

Check Out the Latest Issue of Source

SourceRead Source, the online newsletter, to learn more about the news, events, people and happenings in UC Libraries.

This latest issue of Source includes an article about recent renovations to the entrances of two library locations, a Q&A with two employees, Hong Cheng and Bob Freeman, and A Note from the Dean: Finding the Talent. There are announcements of Dean Wang joining the SPARC Steering Committee and that Scholar@UC is open for self-submissions, as well as a list of spring events in UC Libraries. Read these articles and more.

Source is available on the web at and via e-mail. To receive Source via e-mail, contact to be added to the mailing list.

LOVE YOUR DATA Day 5 – LOVE that Data Reuse

The final day of LOVE YOUR DATA week and it all comes together. Well documented and organized data kept safe and shared with researchers continue the scientific conversations.   A brilliant example of this is the Human Genome Project. This 13-year project funded by public and private efforts opened access to genetic data that led to the discovery of 1800 disease genes and over 2000 tests for human conditions. Countless research projects can get off the ground because their time and resources can focus on next steps instead of reinventing the already sequenced wheel. What is really going on is DATA REUSE.

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PolicyMap is now available

PolicyMap is a cloud-base data and mapping platform enabling government, commercial, non-profit and academic institutions to access data about communities and markets across the U.S. It may be used for research, market studies, business planning, site selection, grant applications and impact analysis.

Available data includes demographics, home sale statistics, health data, mortgage trends, school performance scores and labor data like unemployment, crime statistics and city crime rates. ( Jan. 26, 2012)

Full listing of datasets

LOVE YOUR DATA Day 4 – Data Shhharing

Post by Tiffany Grant PhD, Research Informationist based at Donald C. Harrison Health Sciences Library

Data Shhharing

“Data” and “sharing” are two words that we don’t like to juxtapose in the scientific community. I mean, who wants to share their hard earned data? It’s the equivalent of sharing ones salary with the world- a group of strangers. The data generated via the scientific process is extremely personal, and is intrinsic to the life and legacy of the researchers who create it. Researchers don’t have a problem with publishing their work once completed, as it adds to their scientific credibility. But, therein lies the problem. Publication does not always equal access.

It is the publisher, not the researcher who owns the rights to the articles published in their journals. Access to these journals typically only comes through a paid subscription. So, while researchers can often get access to journals through their institution, access is not granted to all without paying for individual articles at a time, a process which can prove quite costly. Thus paying for access to online content makes sense only to publishers who profit from it. But, as a researcher, do you really want your hard work under this veil? Is that really what you worked for?

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LOVE YOUR DATA Day 3 – Data Documentation

I say to you….slow down, smell the agar plates, take the time to document your data. Your future self will thank you, profusely.

Proper documentation provides the context that your data needs to persist through time, to integrate into new systems and to give you credit for your contributions in the form of data citations. Where possible, you should consider contributing the following information along with your dataset.

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Get to Know the Clermont College Library Staff: Kathleen Epperson

Kathleen (Kathi) Epperson, Clermont College Librarian


I have worked in libraries for over 30 years. I began working part-time at our local library. After a few years, I became a full time library staff member.  My children literally grew up in the library!  As the children grew older, I went back to school to get my Master’s in Library Science, which would make me an “official” librarian. While I was in library school, I became interested in academic libraries, and worked as an intern at UC’s DAAP Library. The library director was a wonderful mentor to me, and we’re still good friends. I enjoyed guiding students and assisting faculty to find resources. I worked in two other colleges before I came to Clermont College in 2007.

As Reference Librarian, I love to help students find what they need for their projects. I especially like to surprise them by showing them the many resources the library has to offer.  I try to be as friendly and helpful as I can, so they remember they can come to the library as a space and if they require assistance, there is a friendly person to help them.

When I’m not at work, I love spending time with my grandchildren, especially when we draw, paint and read! Okay, I might have to include playing Dance Revolution, too!

Something that might surprise you about me is that my brother and I were once protected by Pinkerton guards.

Now for a few of my favorite things:

Ohh! So many to choose from!

Book: Mama Day

Music: Eric Clapton

TV Show: Mad Men


We’re here to help-

Kathleen Epperson


Presidential Love Notes

Diaries reveal former UC President Raymond Walters’ love and admiration for his longtime Valentine

Raymond and Elsie Walters

Image of Raymond Walters and his wife, Elsie, created by Kathy Bohlen.

By:  Dawn Fuller

Raymond and Elsie Walters with News Record

President and Mrs. Raymond Walters hold a special souvenir edition of The News Record, presented to the couple at the president’s student-sponsored retirement dinner in 1955.

Her name was Elsie, but her husband, UC’s longest-running president, called her “BobOLink,” which is also the name of a songbird. Throughout their 46-year marriage, Raymond Walters remained charmed and fascinated by his wife, as passages reveal in his diaries, which were donated to UC’s Archives and Rare Books Library.

Walters served as president of UC for 23 years, from 1932-1955. The diaries hold daily activities and thoughts of President Walters over the decades, from 1925-1960, and as a result reveal decades of history, including the history of UC. But the diaries also lovingly reveal Valentine gifts, wedding anniversaries and tributes to his wife. Continue reading