Be inspired, entertained and informed by Graphic Novels – an exhibit on display in Langsam Library

On display on the 4th floor lobby of the Walter C. Langsam Library, the Graphic Novels exhibit celebrates and promotes the variety of graphic novels available in the library. From traditional novel adaptations, biographies and autobiographies to Manga and comic books, graphic novels take on different forms and subjects and are enjoyed by people of all ages.

graphic novels exhibit image

The books on display in the exhibit include:

  • Byrne, Eugene, and Simon Gurr. Darwin: A Graphic Biography. Washington D.C.: Smithsonian Books, 2013.
  • Garcia, Kami, et al. Teen Titans: Raven. Burbank, CA: DC Ink, 2019.
  • Hamilton, Tim. and Ray Bradbury. Ray Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451: The Authorized Adaptation. First edition. New York: Hill and Wang, 2009.
  • Isayama, Hajime and Sheldon Drzka. Attack On Titan. New York, N.Y., Kodansha Comics, 2012.
  • Kishimoto, Masashi, et al. Naruto #1. Viz, 2003.
  • Macellari, Elisa. Kusama: The Graphic Novel. Laurence King Publishing Ltd, 2020.
  • Moore, Alan. Watchmen. New York: DC Comics, 2005.
  • Stevenson, ND, and N. D. Stevenson. Nimona. HarperCollins Publishers, 2015.
graphic novels display

A table-top display is located on the 4th floor of the library with graphic novels that can be taken to the Desk@Langsam for check out:

  • Carré, Lilli. Heads or Tails. Seattle, WA: Fantagraphics Books, 2015.
  • Doran, Fionnuala. The Trial of Roger Casement. SelfMadeHero, 2016.
  • Duffy, Damian, et al. Kindred: A Graphic Novel Adaptation. New York, Abrams Comicarts, 2017.
  • Gravett, Paul. Graphic Novels: Stories to Change Your Life. Aurum, 2005.
  • Hickman, Jonathan, et al. The Manhattan Projects. Berkeley, CA: Image Comics, Inc., 2016.
  • Jesse Reklaw. LOVF: An Illustrated Diary of a Man Literally Losing His Mind. Fantagraphics Books, 2016.
  • Moore, Alan, et al. V for Vendetta. New York, DC Comics, 1990.
  • Moore, Alan. Watchmen. New York: DC Comics, 2005.
  • Moore, Leah, et al. Ghost Stories of an Antiquary. SelfMadeHero, 2016.
  • Otomo, Katsuhiro, et al. Akira. Dark Horse Manga, 2000.
  • Radtke, Kristen. Seek You: A Journey Through American Loneliness. First edition. New York, Pantheon Books, 2021.
  • Samura, Hiroaki, et al. Blade of the Immortal. Dark Horse Manga, 2017.

The Graphic Novels exhibit was designed and produced by Norah Jenkins, library communications co-op student.

Visit all the Libraries! New display on the 5th floor lobby of Langsam Library

The University of Cincinnati Libraries empowers discover, stimulates learning and inspires the creation of knowledge by connecting students, faculty, researchers and scholars to dynamic data, information and resources. The University of Cincinnati Libraries comprises 10 locations that support the university’s undergraduate, graduate and professional programs. A new display on the 5th floor lobby of the Walter C. Langsam Library features the various libraries and encourages people to visit each one.

A handout, available at the exhibit and online, maps out each library location.

And while visiting each library, post and tag @uclibraries using #selfieforsticker, then visit the desk for a library sticker.


The display was curated and designed by communication design co-op student Jakob Elliott.

Langsam Library exhibit in honor of National Poetry Month features the poets of Poetry Stacked

poetry exhibit bannerIn celebration of National Poetry Month, an exhibit installed on the 4th floor lobby of the Walter C. Langsam Library features work by the 2022/23 Poetry Stacked poets. Included in the exhibit are poems from 13 of the University of Cincinnati student, faculty and community member poets that read at the series. Included in the exhibit are UC faculty poets: Aditi Machado, Rebecca Lindenberg, Felicia Zamora and Simone Savannah.

Rebecca Lindenberg

Bottle Brush Bees

The red-blossomed bush
furred out in the corner
of the narrow yard sizzles
with bees, bristled
cylindrical flowers tipped
with yellow pollen lure
their fuzzy thieves. Once
or maybe twice a month
barefoot she or her sister
might find one, lightning
in the grass; they
devised a whole lexicon
for sting – bee-branded,
bumble-shocked,  bee-
needled, honey-rung –
despite all their words
what she’ll remember is
not how it feels to be stung,
but their constant song.

Rae Hoffman Jager, Manuel Iris, Yalie Saweda Kamara, Caroline Plasket and Kari Gunter-Seymour represent poets from the community.

Manuel Iris


Your daughter is dancing, says my wife
touching her belly.

For the past five months
I have been a witness
to what happens there,
under her hands.

My wife is a house inside my house
and I am outside of my own heart.

I am sure she is happy, she says
and I would give up poetry
in exchange for having, inside me, my daughter.
For feeling that dance that bonds them
to all beginnings.

But that option does not exist
and I do what I can:
cooking, fulfilling cravings,
writing a poem in which I say what I can see
from this side of the skin
in which mystery embodies itself.

And I testify, with loving envy,
that an everyday miracle
is a miracle

and nothing less.

A highlight of Poetry Stacked are the UC students who read at each session. Students featured in the exhibit are: Dior Stephens, Romie Hernández Morgan, Hussain Ahmed and Casey Harloe.

Casey Harloe

for me, from me

I am here in
this world
to roam the
but stay stuck
in one home
fields remain
endless to
explore, yet
here I stand
at the door,
at the ceiling
to mourn
the boredom
I carry &
the adventure
I crave
the journey
doesn’t begin
until you move
so I decided
to walk away
from what I
already knew

The exhibit was curated and designed by Melissa Cox Norris, director of library communications. A bibliography of the poets’ works is available at the exhibit and online.

Launched by the Academy of American Poets in April 1996, National Poetry Month is a special occasion that celebrates poets’ integral role in our culture and that poetry matters.


And don’t miss the next Poetry Stacked event, scheduled for Wednesday, April 12 at 4pm, featuring Kari Gunter-Seymour, Poet Laureate of Ohio, and celebrating poetry by graduating University of Cincinnati doctoral students: Nick Molbert, Marianne Chan, Connor Yeck and Taylor Byas. Following the poetry readings, attendees are invited to a reception in the Elliston Poetry Room as we mark the successful conclusion of the 2022/23 Poetry Stacked series.

poetry stacked

Langsam Library exhibits installed in honor of Black History Month pay tribute to trailblazers and display the enormous loss in the Middle Passage

On display in the Walter C. Langsam Library are two new exhibits created and installed for Black History Month. The first pays tribute to Cincinnati African American Medical Trailblazers – Lucy Oxley and O’dell Owens. The second exhibit displays the enormous loss of life in The Middle Passage.

Cincinnati African American Medical Trailblazers

On display on the 4th floor lobby of Langsam Library, this exhibit features materials from the collections of UC Libraries about Lucy Oxley, MD, the first person of color to receive a medical degree from the UC College of Medicine, and O’dell Owens, renowned physician, former Hamilton County coroner and the first African American to sit on the board of the University of Cincinnati.

cincinnati african american medical trailblazers

The Middle Passage

On the 5th floor lobby of Langsam Library is a large map depicting the Middle Passage, which commonly refers to the experience of enslaved African people as they traveled across the Atlantic Basin to the Americas during the transatlantic slave trade. Illness, insanity, hunger, dehydration, torture, revolt, suicide and ship wreck led to the death of ~1.8 million Africans at sea during their Middle Passage.

The exhibit corresponds with the Uncommon Read of the book “Slavery at Sea: Terror, Sex, and Sickness in the Middle Passage” by Sowande’ M. Mustakeem. A Lunch and Learn with the author is scheduled for Thursday, Feb. 23 from 12:30-2pm in the Donald C. Harrison Health Sciences Library’s Stanley J. Lucas M.D. Boardroom (E005HA). Register to attend the Lunch and Learn.

the middle passage graphic

Both exhibits were curated by UC Libraries faculty and staff: Meshia Anderson, Susan Banoun, Sidney Gao, Tiffany Grant, Gino Pasi and June Taylor-Slaughter. It was designed by UC Libraries communications design co-op Jakob Elliott.

Announcing the 2021/22 UC Libraries Annual Progress Report: A Year of New Beginnings…

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Announcing the 2021-22 University of Cincinnati Libraries Annual Progress Report: A Year of New Beginnings…a year that saw the broad return of students, faculty and staff to campus for fall semester. The transition from virtual to in-person was an extensive process as library spaces were re-evaluated to allow for a safe return to working and studying on campus. We welcomed students, faculty and staff back to campus with refreshed spaces, enhanced safety protocols for social distancing and a revived appreciation for working together in person.

The year also saw the announcement of our renewed Strategic Framework: NEXT Directions. The University of Cincinnati’s NEXT Lives Here Strategic Directions focus on the core areas of Academic Excellence, Urban Impact and the Innovation Agenda in order to engage people and ideas – and to transform the world. The University of Cincinnati Libraries is key to what’s NEXT.

In this Annual Report, we look back at the top News & Events, applaud Staff Accomplishments & Milestones and look at the Libraries By the Numbers and Financially.

While we celebrate the accomplishments of the past academic year, we also continue to move forward in pursuit of our vision of being the globally engaged, intellectual commons of the university – positioning ourselves as the hub of collaboration, digital innovation and scholarly endeavor on campus and beyond. I invite you to be a part of our journey – a journey led by our Guiding Principles of Investment in our People; Diversity, Equity & Inclusion; and Digital Transformation.

The Annual Progress Report is available online via Sway. Happy Reading!

‘Indigenous Dispossession.’ UC Libraries exhibit highlights laws, treaties and policies that resulted in mass Indian Removal

In honor of Native American Heritage Month, the University of Cincinnati Libraries’ RESPECT (Racial Equity Support Programming to Educate the Community Team), presents the exhibit “Indigenous Dispossession: U.S. laws & policies promoting European settlement and Western Expansion resulting in Indian Removal from tribal, ancestral lands.”

illustration of native american woman

Rant Che Wai Me. From the McKenney and Hall digital collection.

On display on the 4th floor lobby of the Walter C. Langsam Library, the exhibit begins by listing the justification for European Settlement on Native American lands through the Doctrine of Discovery and Manifest Destiny, the ideas that the United States is destined to expand its dominion and to spread democracy and capitalism across the entire North American continent. The exhibit then goes on to list laws and acts such as the Northwest Ordinance, Indian Removal Act and the General Allotment Act that all contributed to the removal of Native American peoples from their tribal homes. It also includes information on the Indian Civilization Act, which aimed to “civilize” and “Christianize” Native children. What resulted was a loss of their culture and identity and a system of abuse.

native american man

Ne Sou A Quoit – A Fox Chief. From McKenney and Hall digital collection.

The second part of the exhibit, on display on the 5th floor lobby, outlines steps to rectify the early treatment of Native Americans by granting citizenship and ending allotment of tribal lands with such policies as the Indian Citizenship Act, the Indian Reorganization Act and the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act. It is noted, however, that while legislation around self-determination and self-governance offers a certain degree of independence and protection under the law, the legacy of displacement, oppression and neglect in American public policy affects Native communities and families to this day.

The exhibit highlights the collections of UC Libraries by featuring prominently illustrations from George Catlin who traveled the North American continent from 1830-1838 to chronicle the people, customs and traditions of Native American tribes and from Thomas Loraine McKenney and James Hall’s “History of the Indian Tribes of North America.”

native american village

From George Catlin’s “The Printed Works.”

To learn more, a bibliography of works from the collections of UC Libraries is available in print at the exhibit and online as a PDF.

The exhibit helps the RESPECT group in their mission to draw awareness of Systemic Racism, defined as “policies and practices that exist throughout a whole society or organization, and that result in and support a continued, unfair advantage to some people and unfair or harmful treatment of others based on race.”

Read Source for the news, events, people and happenings in UC Libraries

source graphicRead Source, the online newsletter, to learn about the news, events, people and happenings in UC Libraries.

In this issue of Source, we document the record number of students visiting and studying in the Walter C. Langsam Library this fall and feature the services and resources available in the Albino Gorno Memorial (CCM) Library. We spotlight Hannah Harper, a student worker in the Science and Engineering Libraries and the generous support of retired University of Cincinnati professors Laura and Richard Kretschmer.

Fall semester is a busy time for events in the Libraries. The Robert A. Deshon and Karl J. Schlachter Library for Design, Architecture, Art and Planning (DAAP) are displaying selections from the library’s collection about hair. Our upcoming Poetry Stacked series, scheduled for Oct. 19, will raise awareness of the collections of both UC Libraries and the Elliston Poetry Room by engaging students and others in attendance with UC and community poets, including a student poet. On Thursday, Oct. 20 the College of Education, Criminal Justice and Human Services (CECH) Library is hosting a talk by Dr. Debbie Reese, noted children’s literature scholar, former classroom teacher, and founder/co-editor of the American Indians in Children’s Literature blog.

Read these articles, as well as past issues, on the website. To receive Source via e-mail, contact to be added to the mailing list.

New digital display for 1911 graduate Valentine Barker


A collection donated to the College of Engineering and Applied Science Library is now  a new digital exhibit. The Valentine Barker collection provides a snapshot of technical education and advertisement work in the early twentieth century. The collection was recently digitized by the UC Libraries’ Digital Collections Team. 

Valentine Barker was a 1911 graduate of the Ohio Mechanics Institute comprehensive art program.  The Ohio Mechanics Institute (OMI), founded in 1828, is one of CEAS’ source institutions and provided vital technical education during the early development of the city. Beginning in 1901 OMI served as a technical high school, Barker attended as a student of the technical high school.  

A selection of Barker’s talents and a brief overview of OMI history can be found in the digital exhibit.

CEAS library art collection

The College of Engineering and Applied Science (CEAS) Library recently added labels to their collection of artwork. Visit the library at 850 Baldwin Hall and view part of the CEAS art collection. Many paintings adorning the library walls are from the early twentieth century and capture the prominent change of the beginning of that century in Cincinnati.  

The start of the CEAS art collection: 

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Hello, Central!: Telephones in Illustrated Sheet Music

hello centralBy Theresa Leininger-Miller,

This two-part exhibition commemorates the 145th anniversary of the invention of the telephone (1876) that took place in 2021; COVID-19 slightly delayed the celebration. Displayed on the 4th floor lobby of the Walter C. Langsam Library are reproductions of 68 vibrant, chromolithographic covers of illustrated sheet music dating from 1877 to 1939.

The display outside and inside the Robert A. Deshon and Karl J. Schlachter Library for Design, Architecture, Art & Planning (DAAP) features two dozen original pieces of sheet music, along with ten vintage telephones. The name of the device, from the Greek, means “far speaking” a way of increasing human earshot. With it, people can make themselves heard and understood around the world with a whisper. Continue reading