Service Note: UC Libraries not renewing RefWorks subscription

The University of Cincinnati libraries has chosen not to renew its subscription to RefWorks due to low usage and increasing costs. Access to the citation manager will end at the end of May 2025.

It is highly recommended that users switch to a new citation manager before beginning any new projects that may extend past May 2025 and prior to the May 2025 deadline. Those with questions or who need assistance with switching to a new citation manager should contact a subject librarian or review the Switching Citation Manager help page.

UC Libraries is continuing to provide support for Zotero and EndNote. More information can be found on the Citation Manager Research Guide.

Major upgrade coming to the Library Services Platform (LSP)

The OhioLINK consortium, which includes the University of Cincinnati Libraries, is upgrading the Library Services Platform (LSP) in summer 2025 to Ex Libris Alma/Primo VE, a state-of-the-art systems software, and the most-used academic library system in the United States. More than 65% of Association of Research Libraries use Alma.

This cloud-based, enterprise system software is the backbone of day-to-day library operations (acquisitions, cataloging, circulation, etc.), and generates the underlying data that drives library business decisions and reporting. The new system will provide user benefits to help students, faculty and other library users find (and access) information critical to learning, teaching and research. Its user-friendly interactions will be more user intuitive.

book stacks

Primo, the new user interface, will streamline search functions and access to local resources and scholarly research. It will offer new and improved features and benefits for library users, including:

  • Faster searching – search electronic and print resources in one search,
  • Enhanced discovery – explore automatic recommendations, citation trails, availability in multiple formats and track requests, including finding resources across the OhioLINK network,
  • Personalized features – save preferences, searches, citations and export to citation management systems,
  • More intuitive user experience, and
  • Mobile friendly – a responsive user interface designed specifically for mobile devices.

Although UC Libraries is working to minimize disruption to services, the transition to the new system will impact acquisitions and summer borrowing of print materials among other OhioLINK institutions. Most immediate, March 1, 2025 is the last date to purchase or license new materials during this fiscal year (ending on June 30, 2025).  Please contact your subject librarian as soon as possible for spring needs. Purchasing and licensing will resume after the new fiscal year begins on July 1, 2025. More information about the resumption of purchasing/licensing will be shared as information becomes available.

More details and updates can be found on the Libraries LSP web page, which includes an FAQ. Check this page throughout the spring for project updates.

Data Center Planned Outage – Library Services Impacted

There is a power outage scheduled for the University of Cincinnati’s primary Data Center beginning at 6:00 p.m. on Friday, May 12, and lasting as late as 8:00 a.m. on Sunday, May 14. Digital Technology Solutions (DTS) will be performing maintenance in the Data Center during this time. Many commonly used cloud-hosted services will remain available.

The UC Libraries website will remain up during the outage; however, some parts of the website will be unavailable, including:

  • Browzine integration with Summon
  • The staff directory
  • The student employment application
  • Some Contact Us forms
  • The “Journals” and “Books” search tabs on homepage
  • My Library Record

In addition, the following library sites/services will be down during the outage:

  • (Library Catalog)
  • (including Luna)
  • (including the Source blog, LiBlog, Omeka S and Exhibits

More information, and a list of UC services that will be affected during the outage, can be found on DTS’s internal website (UC access only).

Updates to Libraries website for fall semester

screen shot of updated libraries websiteNext week, UC Libraries will make updates to the website in order to improve usability and discoverability, as well as to simplify navigation. These changes are reflective of results from user testing, analytics and edit requests received throughout the year. Where possible, redirects will be included, but please note new URLs listed below and update any bookmarks as necessary.

Updates include:

Please note, other library resources, including Summon, the Library Catalog and Library Guides integration into Canvas, have had or will also have updates. If you use these resources in your courses or research, we also recommend checking that your links, bookmarks and information are still up to date.

As always, contact us with questions.

Read Source for the news, events, people and happenings in UC Libraries

source graphic

Read Source, the online newsletter, to learn about the news, events, people and happenings in UC Libraries.

In this issue of Source, we bid goodbye and fond farewell to Dean Xuemao Wang as he ends his tenure at the University of Cincinnati. We celebrate the announcement of Lori Harris as interim dean and university librarian and ask her some questions about her aspirations and hopes for her new role. We feature the work of P. Alfred Marchand, one of the first Black librarians in the United States, and the design work of 1911 UC graduate Valentine Barker. Finally, we spotlight the excellent resources and services available in the College of Education, Criminal Justice, and Human Services (CECH) Library.

Read these articles, as well as past issues, on the website. To receive Source via e-mail, contact to be added to the mailing list.


SERVICE NOTE: Interlibrary Loan service unavailable from 3-6pm Tuesday, June 7 for maintenance

The Libraries’ Interlibrary Loan server, ILLiad, will be offline for maintenance from 3:00 p.m. until 6:00 p.m. today, Tuesday, June 7th. Interlibrary Loan services will be unavailable during this time.

During the maintenance, the ILLiad application will be updated to the latest version.

Thank you for your patience.


Upcoming changes to OhioLINK delivery provider

books on a shelfIn order to address ongoing delivery issues with OhioLINK materials, the University of Cincinnati Libraries, along with the other college, university and public libraries in Ohio, is changing the OhioLINK delivery provider.

There are three important points that impact OhioLINK borrowing immediately:

  • Between now and March 10, users should request any needed items from OhioLINK, SearchOhio and the SWORD/SW Depository as early as possible as delays are anticipated. University of Cincinnati librarians and staff are happy to discuss research needs and help locate alternate formats or other ways to secure materials such as using Interlibrary Loan, which does not rely on this intrastate delivery service.
  • From March 11 through the end of April, users will not be able to request materials through the OhioLINK Central Catalog, SearchOhio or SWORD/SW Depository. This is necessary to avoid a backlog of materials in the system during the transition.
  • Currently checked-out materials can still be renewed and returned during this time.

Beginning April 18, we will return to working with the company that provided delivery prior to July 2021 and are confident that they will be able to deliver your library materials efficiently once again. As we transition from one company to another, however, there will be slower than usual delivery times.

We ask for patience as we implement this long-term solution.

Questions? (513) 556-1424 or In addition, OhioLINK has created a FAQ.

Man Qi joins RDS team as a student research consultant

Man QiMan Qi is joining UC Libraries’ Research and Data Services (RDS) team as a student research consultant where she will provide consultations in the Data & GIS Collab in the Geology-Mathematics-Physics Library.

Her expertise is GIS software, hydrological modeling, SWMM modeling, geographic data processing, spatial analysis, map design, Python and R.

Man Qi is a PhD candidate in Geography & GIS from UC’s College of Arts and Sciences. She is passionate about helping others with data visualization and spatial data analysis. Her main job is to provide support to our UC community in spatial data processing and analysis (e.g., location analysis, spatial interpolation), map design and making using GIS techniques and hydrological modeling using SWMM. In addition, she also works with UC RDS team to develop workshops according to the UC community’s needs in learning GIS techniques, such as ArcGIS StoryMaps workshop.

Welcome, Man!

Spring 2022 Return to Campus Update for UC Libraries

With the university shifting to online learning until January 24 because of the increase in local, state, and national COVID-19 cases, and the high transmission rate of the Omicron variant, UC Libraries are making adjustments to operating hours. Library locations remain open with reduced hours, except for the Archives and Rare Books Library, which is not currently taking new research appointments, but is available to answer reference questions via phone and e-mail.

Hours by location are listed on the Libraries website, including those for UC Blue Ash, Clermont and Law, which vary from those for UC Libraries.

Current information on the Libraries Return to Campus plans, can be found online.