UC Libraries Closed Monday, Nov. 11 for Veterans Day. HSL to Remain Open 9am-5pm.

veterans day imageUC Libraries will be closed Monday, Nov. 11 in observance of Veterans Day, except for the Donald C. Harrison Health Sciences Library, which will be open 9am to 5pm.

This closing includes the Walter C. Langsam Library 4th floor space, which will close Sunday, Nov. 10 at 11pm and re-open Tuesday, November 12 at 7:45am.

Normal hours will resume Tuesday, November 12.

Thank you to all who have served.

The Data & Computational Science Series presents – GIS Day 2019 Nov 13th

This year’s UC’s Celebration of National GIS Day is coming up on Nov 13th, 2019 and is organized by UC Libraries, UC Department of Geography and GIS, UC Joint Center of GIS & Spatial Analysis, UC Environmental Studies Program and the UC College of Arts and Sciences.

We invite you to come and celebrate with us.  Lunch will be provided and this event is free and open to all.

Please register at https://webapps2.uc.edu/ce/FacDev/Workshops/Details/13645.

Dr Hao Hu, Product Engineer with ESRI is the featured speaker and will present on the intersection of Machine Learning and Geographic Information Sciences (GIS) and how ESRI is addressing these opportunities in spatial applications with ArcGIS.   Dr Hao Hu is a product engineer in the Geoprocessing/Raster Analysis team at Esri, and works on large raster data processing that leverages distributed computing and storage technology. Before joining Esri, Dr. Hao completed his Doctoral degree in Geography from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) researching on GIS and cyberinfrastructure, spatial decision support system, geospaital data uncertainty, and spatial optimization.

This talk is co-funded by the Provost Funded Data & Computational Science Series (awarded to UC Libraries and IT@UC Research and Development), the Graduate Student Association of UC and the Department of Geography – College of Arts and Science of UC.

The event will be held in 400 A-B TUC from 10 am to 2 pm

Hour Talk
10:00am Main talk (colloquium) -Machine Learning with ArcGIS
10:45am Coffee break
11:00am Practical session (Showcase) – Machine Learning in ArcGIS Platforms
1:00pm Lunch
1:30pm Link-GIS talk


Illiad (Interlibrary Loan) Unavailable Wednesday, Oct. 30 from 8am-12pm

The Libraries Illiad (Interlibrary Loan) server will be offline for maintenance the morning of Wednesday, Oct. 30 from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. During this time the library IT department will be updating the Illiad application to the latest version. Thank you for your patience.

The Data & Computational Science Series Presents: Research Computing: A View from the Trenches 

Posted on behalf of Amy Latessa,  Research Coordinator for IT@UC Research & Development

Coming up on Thursday November 7

The Data & Computational Science Series Presents: Research Computing: A View from the Trenches 

Visualization Lab (GMP Library, 240 Braunstein Hall)

11am – 1pm: Lunch & Learn with George TurnerChief Systems Architect for Research Technologies at the Pervasive Technologies Institute, Indiana University will give an insider’s presentation on research computing in higher education. George has helped build one of the most abundant and successful research centers in the United States and has been assisting the University of Cincinnati to set up its first ever Advanced Research Computing Cluster, now available to UC faculty and students.  His talk will address challenges in research computing and HPC and share the benefits that a successful University research computing center can have upon a research institution.

1:30pm – 3:30pm: Linux 101 Workshop: This free workshop will provide a brief introduction on the layout of the Linux operating system. It will overview Linux concepts with a few exercises and will help people to understand the paradigms and why this is important in the bigger scheme of things.
No prerequisites. No scripting. Please Bring a Laptop.

All events are free. Registration is required.

Flyer: Turner_DCSS_Nov7

Contact Amy Latessa at latessak@ucmail.uc.edu for more information



Student Research Consultant’s experience at the XSEDE Big Data Workshop

Zhiyuan Yao is a Geography PhD candidate and a student research consultant in the Research Labs@ GMP, in the Geology-Math-Physics Library.  She is a GIS expert in the UC Libraries Research & Data Services Team and can help you with your GIS and other research data questions.  Below she describes her recent experience attending the XSEDE workshop on Big Data.

The Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment (XSEDE) is an NSF-funded virtual organization that integrates and coordinates the sharing of supercomputers with researchers nationally to support science. It has five computer resource infrastructures located across the nations, and Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center (PSC) is a part of it. PSC offers workshops from time to time through the year and aims to promote advanced data analysis among a variety of research fields using its supercomputer, Bridges. Thanks to IT@UC Research & Development, Innovation and Partnerships, who cooperates with PSC to offer the free workshop to UC community. The workshop is one of many events in the Data & Computational Science Series funded by the Provost Office.  I was glad to attend the Big Data workshop and give you a glimpse of the informative workshop.

The Big Data workshop was held on Oct 1st to Oct 2nd, from 11: 00 AM to 5: 30 PM. The workshop was well organized and followed a working flow: introducing background information, providing examples, and doing exercises. I really appreciated the background information introduced in this workshop, since it provided a holistic view of this workshop which was friendly to beginners. Besides, this workshop talked about several programs for big data analysis, such as Hadoop and Spark, and Tensorflow. The Big data workshop is one of PSC HPC workshop series, such as MPI, OpenMP, OpenACC, et al. If you are interested in one of these workshops, you can check if IT@UC offers this workshop at Workshops & Trainings in Faculty OneStop.

lunch options at the XSEDE workshop

Besides the free knowledge, you also have free lunch! IT@UC Research & Development, Innovation and Partnerships offered the yummy lunch through the Data & Computational Science Series funded by the Provost Office. If you are interested in learning things about high performance computing, please come and take advantage of the free resources and the yummy lunch!


The next XSEDE event is coming up soon:

XSEDE Monthly HPC Workshop: OpenMP

Tuesday November 5, 2019 – 11:00am to 5:00pm
Langsam Library Room 475

Read Source to learn more about the news, events, people and happenings in UC Libraries.

sourceRead Source, the online newsletter, to learn more about the news, events, people and happenings in UC Libraries.

In this issue of Source, Dean Xuemao Wang writes about his new role as vice provost for digital scholarship, which ties in with the article Introducing the Research @ Data Services Team.

The Libraries special collections are featured prominently in this issue with news of an exciting, surprise gift to the Neil Armstrong Commemorative Archives, promotion of a lecture series celebrating the digitization of the Albert B. Sabin Research Notebooks, and an announcement of a new UC exhibit featuring the Special Collections of four UC Libraries.

This fall brings new faces and new publications from the University of Cincinnati Press, along with the conclusion of the university’s Bicentennial celebration, which university archivist and head of the Archives and Rare Books Library Kevin Grace uses as the occasion to recount a gift from William A. Procter that was instrumental to the libraries.

Lastly, we announce that the Cecil Striker Society Annual Lecture is now our first fully endowed annual lecture.

Read these articles, as well as past issues, on the web at http://libapps.libraries.uc.edu/source/ and via e-mail. To receive Source via e-mail, contact melissa.norris@uc.edu to be added to the mailing list.

Most UC Libraries Closed Labor Day, Monday, Sept. 2

labor dayUC Libraries will be closed Monday, September 2 for Labor Day, except for the Donald C. Harrison Health Sciences Library, which will be open 9am-5pm. This closing includes the Walter C. Langsam Library 4th floor space, which will close Sunday, September 1 at 11pm and re-open Tuesday, September 3 at 7:45am.

A complete listing of library hours can be found online at www.libraries.uc.edu/about/hours.html.

Enjoy the long holiday weekend.

Research Labs @ GMP Library News update – Zhiyuan Yao Attends the AAG-UIUC Summer School

Zhiyuan Yao is one of two GIS support students working in the Research & Data Service research labs at the Geology Math and Physics Library.  The Data & GIS collab is open to students, staff and faculty seeking help with their geospatial data needs, and the Visualization lab is open for data visualization consultations and collaborative work.  Email us at ASKData@ucmail.uc.edu for more information.  

Great learning and collaboration experience in AAG-UIUC Summer School

This summer in July, I was honored to be offered the opportunity to attend AAG-UIUC 2019 Summer School, which focused on Reproducible Problem Solving with Cyber GIS and Geospatial Data Science. During the one-week summer camp, I met many scholars, got access to the supercomputer Virtual Roger through CyberGIS-Jupter, learned the cutting-edge advances regarding geospatial data science, and got a deeper understanding about reproducibility and replicability. I absolutely had a wonderful time there, and this experience provoked me to think more about how we could develop novel solutions to complex problems.


Participants in the AAG-UIUC summer school with mentor Diana Sinton (Ex Director of UCGIS in the  green shirt) in the middle.

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Announcing the Redesigned UC Libraries Website

redesigned libraries homepage

Check out the redesigned Libraries website scheduled to launch Thursday, Aug. 15.

Some of the new features and upgrades of the UC Libraries website redesign include:

  • updated look and feel and an uncluttered homepage
  • refreshed, user-centric content under the categories of: “Find, Request, Borrow,” “Special Collections,” “Research and Teaching Support,” “Spaces and Technology,” “About” and “My Accounts”
  • tabbed search box located prominently front and center at the top of the homepage, allowing users to search for articles, books, journals and databases much more quickly and easily
  • ability to search Research Guides by subject via the homepage
  • call-outs for Special Collections, Digital Technologies & Innovation and Library as Place
  • library news and links to information such as the Strategic Plan, Progress Report, Staff Directory and more.

Included in the redesign are all college and departmental (C&D) library web pages from the Archives to Rare Books Library to the Henry R. Winkler Center for the History of the Health Professions, as well as the Clermont College Library and UC Blue Ash College Library web pages.

While the starting web address of the site remains the same – www.libraries.uc.edu, the navigation and content within the site has changed, so update any links or bookmarks you may have to the site. And while great care was taken to be accurate, if broken links or missing content are discovered, contact Team Dynamix.