Lunch & Learn “Vesalius, Mascagni and anatomical mega prints – A personal journey”

Wednesday, April 17, 11:30am-1pm, Donald C. Harrison Health Sciences Library, Stanley J. Lucas MD Board Room

Join the Henry R. Winkler Center for the History of the Health Professions at an April 17th Lunch & Learn, “Vesalius, Mascagni and anatomical mega prints – A personal journey.” Renaissance anatomist and physician Andreas Vesalius (December 1514 – June 1564), revolutionized the study and practice of medicine by his careful descriptions and anatomical studies of the human body. Efrain Miranda, PhD, CEO of Clinical Anatomy Associates, Inc, will discuss Vesalius’s life and his obsession with large images that led to the printing of the “Fabrica” in 1543, and through the centuries led to the “New Fabrica” by Garrison and Hast.

anatomy image
efrain miranda

Mascagni, is the largest anatomical book ever printed, of which there are only 16 known copies in the world – one at the Winkler Center. Anatomist Paolo Mascagni (1755-1815), worked on this masterpiece for 25 years, and after his death, the Mascagni family contracted with the artist Antonio Serantoni to complete the work. All plates were drawn, engraved and hand-colored with meticulous detail, beauty and accuracy by Serantoni from 1823-32.

The presentation will examine the life of Mascagni and the history of the plagiarist and thief that stole his prints. Miranda will illuminate the presentation with examples of mega drawings that are on display around the world, some measuring 14 feet in height.

Join the UC Libraries R.E.S.P.E.C.T. Team for a full roster of programs in April

The University of Cincinnati Libraries RESPECT (Racial Equity Support Programming to Educate the Community Team) has as its charge to use library resources to expand programming and resources that provide library users with the tools to understand systemic racism in order to begin dismantling it. Upcoming, RESPECT is sponsoring three events that are free and open to all to attend.

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And the winners are…Results of the 2024 UC Libraries International Edible Books Festival

The University of Cincinnati Libraries celebrated the International Edible Books Festival on Monday, April 1, 2024.

Cheshire cat
Cheshire Cat by Rebecca Tabaja – Best Overall

This year saw a record 27 entries from students, librarians, faculty and staff throughout the university and from the Cincinnati community. There are few restrictions in creating an edible book – namely that the creation be edible and have something to do with a book.

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Spring Book Blooms Display at the UCBA Library

by Lauren Wahman

Looking for some good reads for the upcoming summer break? Find novels, short stories, and poetry at the UCBA Library’s Spring Book Blooms Display. Visit the UCBA Library during open hours to browse these featured books and check out an item with your UC ID. The display will be available until Thursday April 25.   

Deaf in Media: A Legacy of Impact

The University of Cincinnati Libraries and the College of Education, Criminal Justice and Human Services (CECH) American Sign Language (ASL) Department are partnering in cross-campus exhibits in honor of National Deaf History Month.

On display on the 4th and 5th floor lobbies of the Walter C. Langsam Library, Deaf in Media: A Legacy of Impact chronicles the representation and achievements of people who are Deaf in film, television, social media and theater. The timeline begins in the late 1800s when Deaf theater begins at Gallaudet University and includes key moments in media such as in 1986 when Marlee Matlin was the first, and only, Deaf actress to win an Academy Award; the formation of the first all-male Deaf Dance company, Wild Zappers, in 1989; the creation of the Deaf-owned and operated production company ASL Films in 2005, and Nyle DiMarco, who in 2016, became the first dancer who is Deaf to win Dancing with the Stars. The timeline goes up to 2023 when ASL performer Justina Miles performed for 60,000 spectators at the Super Bowl halftime show with headliner Rihanna. A full timeline, with links to viewable media, is listed below.

The exhibit includes books from the collections of UC Libraries about Deaf representation in media and culture.

Also at the exhibit is a bibliography and QR codes for those who want to know more about Deaf Studies at UC.

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April 10th Poetry Stacked to feature UC poetry students

The University of Cincinnati Libraries and the Elliston Poetry Room announce the next roster of poets for Poetry Stacked, a semi-regular poetry reading series held in the 6th floor east stacks of the Walter C. Langsam Library.

The next event, scheduled for Wednesday, April 10 at 4pm, will be an expanded program in celebration of National Poetry Month. The poetry reading will feature four University of Cincinnati student poets (pictured above clockwise from top):

  • Holli Carrell is a writer originally from Utah, now living in Cincinnati, where she is pursuing a Ph.D. in creative writing at the University of Cincinnati with a certificate in women’s, gender, and sexuality studies. Her poems have recently appeared in 32 Poems, The Journal, Salt HillBennington Review, Quarterly West, Blackbird, Poetry Northwest, and other places. She currently serves as an assistant editor at The Cincinnati Review.
  • Tyler McDonald is a 3rd year undergraduate student at the University of Cincinnati studying Creative Writing and Professional Writing. He is a poet whose work deals with survivorship, relationships, and exploring personal identity. His poetry has appeared in Short Vine, Outrageous Fortune, and Mind Swimmer. In 2022, he was the recipient of the Robinson Essay Prize. Outside of writing, he can be found serving coffee, wandering nature, and copyediting the work of other writers.
  • Andy Sia is a poet and scholar from Brunei currently residing in Cincinnati. His recent manuscript, Sleuth, engages with whodunnit tropes and is an exploration of modes of reading and habitation. He is currently researching theories of reading and books as objects.
  • Grace Guy is a poet and writer, who currently splits her time between Cincinnati and Toledo. She is an undergraduate student studying English at the University of Cincinnati. Their poetry can be found in Short Vine Literary Journal. She is the recipient of an honorable mention for the 2023 Academy of American Poets Prize (Undergraduate Prize). When in Toledo, they work at a local coffee shop which they absolutely love.
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Greek Refugees from Asia Minor: Exhibition and Presentations

On the day before Greek Independence Day, commemorating the start of the Greek Revolution on March 25, 1821, ca. 100 Greek American Cincinnati residents met for a day of remembrance of the so called Population Exchange following what in English is referred to as the Greco-Turkish War, lasting from 1919 to 1922 and ending with a treaty, the Treaty of Lausanne, signed by Greece and Turkey and also by Britain, France, Italy and others in 1923, establishing the current borders of Turkey and Greece, and stipulating the relocation of ca. 1.2 million Christian Orthodox Turks to Greece and ca. 400,000 Muslim Greeks to Turkey, upending the lives of so many who had never known any other country than the one in which they had been raised and the language they had spoken from birth.

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Hungry?! Bite into an Edible Book with UC Libraries

Celebrate books good enough to eat at the International Edible Books Festival April 1st

Once again, the University of Cincinnati Libraries will celebrate the International Edible Books Festival with an event scheduled for Monday, April 1, from 11 a.m. to noon on the 4th floor of the Walter C. Langsam Library.

At the event, participants will present edible creations inspired by an author. There are few restrictions in creating an edible book — namely that the creation be edible and have something to do with a book.

harold and the purple crayon

Submitted entries so far include intriguing titles such as “Catching Fire,” “Squish Delish,” “3D Graphics Rendering Cookbook,” “Angle of Repose,” “And Then There Were None” and “The Scarlet Letter.” Nature is a theme this year with “The Shell Seekers,” “Bunnies on Ice,” “Gathering Moss,” “The Secret Garden” and “Crossings: How Road Ecology is Shaping the Future of our Planet.” Out-of-this-world titles “War of the Worlds” and “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy” will thrill attendees while “Pop-a-rif-ic” and “Trufflemadorian” will leave them happy. Numerous children’s books will make people smile with such titles as “The Little Prince,” “Dragons Love Tacos,” “Corduroy’s Lost Buttons,” “Porkopolis” and “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland.” Poetry will be represented with “Apricots of Donbas” along with biographies “Tupak” and “The Story of My Life.” See, and taste, these delicious entries and more at the event on April 1st.

As in past years, entries will be judged according to such categories as Most Literary, Most Delicious, Most Adorable and Most Gruesome. In addition, the Top Student Entry and Best Overall Entry will receive UC merch. After the entries are judged they will be consumed and enjoyed by all in attendance.

According to the International Edible Book Festival website, the edible book was initiated by librarian and artist Judith A. Hoffberg during a 1999 Thanksgiving celebration with book artists. It became an international celebration in 2000 when artist Béatrice Coron launched the Books2Eat website. Traditionally, the event is celebrated on April 1st (April Fools’ Day) to mark the birthday of Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin (1755-1826), a French lawyer and politician who became famous for his book, “Physiologie du gout” (The Physiology of Taste).

The Libraries International Edible Books Festival is free and open to the public. Following the event, pictures of the edible books and their awards will be posted on the Libraries Facebook page. Come to celebrate (and eat) “books good enough to eat.”

Learning Commons at the Library: Survey question 6

Thank you for the feedback you’ve given throughout this academic year regarding the Marcotte Library and Learning Commons space collaboration. Your responses are helping us to make our space into what you need it to be.

Starting today, we have one final survey question for you: What, if anything, should the library adjust in our partnership with the Learning Commons? Please submit your response by Friday, April 19th.

As always, you can answer the survey question through one of the drop boxes located in Jones across from the library’s entrance or in the McDonough lobby. You can also anonymously submit your response via this online form.

New Books in the Science Libraries

Check out the new science books that have been added to the Geology-Math-Physics Library. A couple of interesting titles are The Native Landscape Reader and A Spider’s World.

Click here to access the January-February 2024 list.

If you have any questions about these books, contact Ted Baldwin, Director of the Science and Engineering Libraries, at