SERVICE NOTE: Interlibrary Loan service unavailable to users September 7 and 8

The Interlibrary Loan service (ILLiad) will be down for maintenance and unavailable to users Tuesday and Wednesday, September 7 and 8.

Once updated, users may access ILLiad from the Libraries website at where you will login and authenticate before being directed to ILLiad, which will have a new look, but the same functionality.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.

UC Libraries Research And Data Services Team is here to help you

Welcome back to campus and a really big Welcome

to new students, staff, and faculty.

After you settle in and start to plan and implement your research projects, you may have questions about doing research here at UC.  The UC Libraries Research & Data Services is one of many support groups on campus to help you. We have information professionals and physical locations within various UC Libraries locations on East and West Uptown campuses to help all UC researchers.

We have vast and varied expertise and we can help you by

  • Supporting you throughout the research lifecycle
  • Helping you use tools such as:
  • Supporting Bioinformatic resource
  • Teaching and consulting on Data and Spatial analysis tools
    • SPSS, R, QGIS, ArcGIS (Desktop and Online)
  • Supporting data preservation and sharing resources
  • Explaining, finding, and using scholarly metrics i.e. impact factor, H-index, etc.
  • Explaining, finding, and using persistent identifiers such as ORCID and DOIs
  • Encouraging you to register for our workshops in Faculty OneStop
  • Teaching workshops focused on research and data recommended practices
  • Coming in for a consult at one of our locations.
  • Partnering with you on projects in scope with our mission and skill set.

We sponsor signature events such as Data Day (Nov 5th) and GIS Day (Nov 17th) through our Data and Computational Science Series and invite you to attend.  Here is a brief list of upcoming events and workshops focused on research.

August 31: Machine Actionable Data Management Plans And The Dmptool

September 8: R Introduction Workshop

September 14: ESRI’s StoryMaps

We are here to help you develop research efficiencies and make the most of your research.  We look forward to meeting you and hope to see you at our workshops and events.   And we are here so you get the information and resources you need, and we hope to partner with you on your research projects.

Contact us at:


Website –

Geo-Math-Physics Library re-opens Aug 2

Entrance to GMP LibraryThe Geo-Math-Physics Library, 240 Braunstein Hall, re-opens to users starting Monday, August 2.  Hours for the remainder of summer are Mon – Fri 10am-2pm.

The Visualization Laboratory and Data & GIS Collab will be available for use during library operating hours.  For more information, check out the Research & Data Services website or contact .

For help with library services, literature searching or locating articles, contact Science & Engineering Ask-A-Librarian or

Welcome back to GMP Library!

Return to Campus Library Service Updates

As the university plans for a broad return of students, faculty and staff to campus for fall semester, the Libraries are preparing our facilities, services and access to collections. Following are important things to know as we Return to Campus. Library spaces, services and access may be adapted in accordance with current and changing safety guidelines. Check the Libraries Return to Campus web page for library service updates.

Library Spaces

  • Beginning August 2, most library locations will be open and available for use. The availability of certain services and spaces within each library may vary by location. Hours and specific library location information are listed on the website.
  • Users are encouraged to maintain social distancing and must follow current university safety protocols outlined on UC’s Public Health Website.
  • In addition:
    • Tables and chairs may not be moved or reconfigured so as to ensure social distancing.
    • All users are encouraged to clean their table and chair upon leaving. The library advises that all users consider a wipe-down upon arrival to their seating location as well. Cleaning supplies will be provided.
    • Consumption of food and drink should occur when seated. Please note that some library locations continue to prohibit food and drink.
    • Public computers and labs located within library facilities will be available with social distancing measurements and cleaning protocols in place.
  • Library spaces and services may be adapted in accordance with safety guidelines. Visit the Return to Campus website for the latest updates.

Requesting Library Materials

  • Daily deliveries between libraries have resumed.
  • All pickup locations are reactivated, which allows users to request UC materials be sent to the University of Cincinnati library location of choice for pick up.
  • OhioLINK, SWORD and SearchOhio items can be requested.

Access to Print Collections

  • Service desks and library stacks will re-open at most locations on August 2. This re-opening includes the previously closed floors of the Walter C. Langsam Library and the Donald C. Harrison Health Sciences Library.
  • The Click & Collect retrieval and pickup service ends on August 2.
  • Course Reserves will resume on August 2.
  • Regular, pre-pandemic loan rules and borrowing periods have resumed.
    • Summer semester loans continue through August 31.

Access to Online Library Resources

  • Beginning August 10, access to licensed online library resources requires user authentication by logging in with a UC username + password and Duo Two Factor authorization.
  • More information on accessing online licensed library resources and help with troubleshooting problems will be available on the Libraries website.


  • Need help finding library resources? Can’t remember how to access My Library Record to renew materials checked out? Librarians and staff are available to answer your questions via CHAT, Monday-Friday, 9am-4pm.
  • Users can also reference the Contact Us webpage to report a website error or to ask a reference or circulation question.

Library Location Information

  • Detailed facility, service and contact information for specific library locations is available on library web pages.

UC Libraries looks forward to a safe and productive fall semester. More information about UC Libraries, as well as access to the library catalog, is available via the website.

New Books in the Science Libraries

Check out the new science books that have been added to the Geology-Math-Physics Library. Please Note: beginning Monday, August 2, the Click & Collect service will end.  However, at that time you can still request books and specify which library where you want to pick up books.  Also, on August 2, most service desks and stacks (for your own browsing) will open again!

Click here to access the May-June 2021 list.

If you have any questions about these books, contact Ted Baldwin, Director of the Science and Engineering Libraries, at


Upcoming Engineering Webinar Series from Elsevier

Elsevier has developed a new series of webinars which are designed to be of interest for professional engineers, scientists, researchers, students, librarians, and professors. Elsevier company logo

Engineering Webinar Series V:

  • T-Shaped Engineer Webinar
  • A Day in the Life of an Engineer – Disruptive Innovation with Daniel Christie
  • Graduate Student Boot Camp
  • A Sneak Peak into the Life of a Drone Engineer
  • Energy Transition – How an Industry Redefines and Refocuses its Future

Please see details and registration information below.

T-Shaped Engineer Webinar

Date: July 15, 2021

Time: 12pm, EST.

Description: Today we’ll discuss some of the skills that companies are looking for in Engineers. We will look at ways that a more rounded engineer brings more insight and value to themselves, their role and their company.

Registration Link:

A Day in the Life of an Engineer – Disruptive Innovation with Daniel Christie

Date: July 29, 2021

Time: 12pm, EST.

Description: Join us for a special session with Innovation Technical Champion Daniel Christie of WL Gore & Associates. Daniel will share a perspective on how Gore teams harness the lean startup methodology & a permissive culture to unlock new opportunities for disruptive innovation in a wide range of industries. As a result of its unique organizational model and culture of empowering small teams, Gore has experienced tremendous success in deploying its core technology into 1000 different products spanning Gore-Tex outerwear, guitar strings, medical devices, headlight vents, and more.

Registration Link: 

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UC Libraries Closed Friday, June 18th in Observance of the Juneteenth Holiday

All University of Cincinnati Libraries locations will be closed Friday, June 18 in observance of Juneteenth.

Regular library hours for all locations will resume Monday, June 21st.

Please read President Pinto’s message regarding Juneteenth here.

New Books in the Science Libraries

Check out the new science books that have been added to the Geology-Math-Physics and Langsam Libraries.  You can get these books by using the Click & Collect service at each library.

Click here to access the March-April 2021 list.  You may be interested to see a book on Lucy Braun’s studies of prairies (sci QK31 .B695 S78 2001).

If you have any questions about these books, contact Ted Baldwin, Directory of Science and Engineering Libraries, at