Read Source, the online newsletter, to learn about the news, events, people and happenings in UC Libraries.

sourceRead Source, the online newsletter, to learn about the news, events, people and happenings in UC Libraries.

In this issue of Source, Dean Xuemao Wang remarks on the national and global protests sparked off by the May 25th murder of George Floyd by Minneapolis police officers and how libraries must join the fight against systemic racism.

Read about how when UC Libraries closed its physical locations in mid-March in response to COVID-19, student supervisors transitioned quickly not just their own work online, but that of their library student workers. In addition, this issue highlights work to provide library services and resources online to UC faculty and staff during a crisis.

While working remotely, consider suggestions of resource and tools from Maggie Patel, business and data analytics librarian. Download Libraries backgrounds for your next Zoom meeting or spend time with the labor collections in the Archives and Rare Books Library.

Elizabeth Scarpelli, director of the University of Cincinnati Press, announces the launch of Platforms and Pathways in Social Innovation as part of the Press’s dynamic, open access publishing platform.

While the University of Cincinnati Libraries remains open and available online to provide users with access to library resources and services, the Click & Collect retrieval and pickup service allows UC users to request print library materials in the Library Catalog for pickup at designated library locations.

Lastly, in this issue of Source, we remind UC faculty and staff to submit their 2019 creative and scholarly works for including in the re-imagined Life of the Mind.

Read these articles, as well as past issues, on the web at and via e-mail. To receive Source via e-mail, contact to be added to the mailing list.

UC Libraries Expands Click & Collect Retrieval Service to Additional Library Locations

Users can request print library materials by 9am Wednesday for Thursday pickup.

click and collect graphicThe University of Cincinnati Libraries is expanding its Click & Collect retrieval and pickup service providing users with access to print collection materials in order to support UC teaching and research. Users may now request print items for pickup at the following additional library locations:

  • College of Engineering and Applied Science (CEAS) Library
  • College of Education, Criminal Justice, and Human Services (CECH) Library
  • Geology-Mathematics-Physics Library
  • Walter C. Langsam Library

Plans are underway to provide access to the John Miller Burnam Classics Library collection to Classics faculty and graduate students and details will be announced soon.

The Click & Collect retrieval and pickup service allows UC users to request print library materials in the Library Catalog for pickup at designated library locations. Requests made by 9am Wednesdays will be available for pickup between noon-4pm on Thursdays. Due dates have been automatically set for August 10. When searching for print materials in the Library Catalog, items with the status of “Held By Library” are available for request. Items from one library location cannot be requested for pickup at another library location. Continue reading

UC Libraries launches Click & Collect service to offer phased access to library print materials

Request library materials by 9:00 am Wednesday for Thursday pickup at select locations.

click and collect graphicBeginning immediately, the University of Cincinnati Libraries is providing users with phased access to print collection materials in order to support UC teaching and research.

The Click & Collect retrieval and pickup service allows UC users to request printed library materials in the Library Catalog for pickup at designated locations. Requests made by 9:00 AM Wednesdays will be available for pickup between noon – 4:00 PM on Thursdays. Due dates have been automatically set for August 10.

At this time, Click & Collect is available for print collections in the Albino Gorno Memorial (CCM) Library, the Robert A. Deshon and Karl J. Schlachter Library for Design, Architecture, Art and Planning (DAAP), the Donald C. Harrison Health Sciences Library and to some degree the Archives and Rare Books Library (see details below).

Plans to expand the Click & Collect library collection retrieval service are underway for other library locations and will be announced soon. Continue reading

UC Libraries Available via CHAT Service to Answer Your Research and Reference Questions

chat graphicAre you researching a paper and need help finding a quote? Looking for sheet music? Need help connecting to e-books? UC Libraries is available online to assist with research and scholarly work. Our librarians, staff and student workers are also available to answer questions via a new CHAT service.

Have a question? Need help with research? Available at, the Libraries CHAT service is available 10am-6pm, Monday-Friday. After hours, users can still go online to ask a reference or circulation question or to e-mail a subject librarian or library staff member directly. Continue reading

Student Library Access during COVID-19

As we’re sure you’ve heard by now, the Clermont College Library is closed. However, that doesn’t mean there is no support for students as they continue their courses remotely. UC Libraries has resources available online 24/7 to help meet your scholarly source needs, including journal articles and eBooks. Just don’t forget off-campus access to these materials requires extra steps for authentication. For those that may need a reminder, there are a number of online help mechanisms such as the Summon tutorial or our research guides.

If you need any assistance using library resources or finding materials for your assignments, you may still reach the librarians. The Librarians are available by appointment to discuss your research and citation needs. Appointments will be held by WebEx or by phone. Our email is also always an option, and we are answering those within 1-hour during normal business hours.

For more information about how we are supporting our students, faculty, and staff from afar, check out our frequently asked questions page.

Welcome Back Online from UC Libraries

uc libraries header


Welcome back from Spring Break! While all library physical locations are closed, the University of Cincinnati Libraries remains open online and ready to support teaching, learning and research.

During this time of social isolation, libraries play an important role as a provider of resources and information expertise. UC Libraries’ online presence provides access to the services, resources and people to enable research and scholarly work.

Today, we are pleased to launch a new, specially designed landing page – This page serves as a portal to access key online library resources such as databases, e-journals and research guides, as well as to free information resources from global cultural and heritage organizations. Users can ask reference or research questions through Chat, e-mail or direct contact to a subject librarian or staff member. The page also offers direct search of the library catalog, and links to key online services such as Interlibrary Loan to request e-resources and how to connect from off campus. We will update this portal page as we continue to transform many of our services into the online environment.

As the library locations remain closed, users are encouraged to keep all library materials. Due dates have been extended and fines will not be incurred for UC, OhioLINK or Interlibrary Loan items. Please do not leave items outside of the library.

The University of Cincinnati Libraries continue to work toward our mission to empower discovery, stimulate learning and inspire the creation of knowledge by connecting students, faculty, researchers and scholars to dynamic data, information and resources.

Take care and stay well. We look forward to the day when we can work with you all in person again, but in the meantime, please work with UC Libraries online.

Xuemao Wang,
Vice Provost for Digital Scholarship and Dean and University Librarian

UC Libraries Information Regarding COVID-19 (novel coronavirus) available online

Effective Saturday, March 14, 2020, UC will suspend face-to-face instruction, lectures, discussion sessions, seminars and other similar classroom settings, and move to remote instruction. This includes face-to-face library instruction. Face-to-face instruction will resume Monday, April 13, 2020.

Library users are encouraged to keep library materials. Fines will not be incurred for UC, OhioLINK or Interlibrary Loan items.

The Libraries have created a web page to provide library service updates and links to online resources –

For up-to-date university information regarding coronavirus –


Using the libraries from off campus:

Off Campus Access  |  View All Library HoursAccess My Library Record | Contact The Libraries  |

Research and Data Services produces a photographic map of downtown Cincinnati circa 1962

I joined Research and Data Services (R&DS) in August 2019 as a Graduate Assistant (GA).  R&DS is composed of multiple research and consultation labs across campus including the Data & GIS Collab, which is located inside the GMP Library (Braunstein 240). The Collab is designed to provide research and teaching consultations on the use of geocomputational software such as ArcGIS and QGIS.

To demonstrate some of the capabilities of our lab and to showcase one of the GMP Library’s special collections, we selected a collection of historical aerial imagery of Cincinnati and Hamilton County from 1962. The goal of the project was to digitize these photographs and combine them into a single mosaicked image that contains important geospatial information.

Continue reading

Luna Digital Collections Application Briefly Unavailable Dec. 12

The Luna application, which houses some of our digital collections, will be upgraded to the latest version available from the vendor this morning, Dec. 12 starting at 10:00 am, so that we may patch some security vulnerabilities that were discovered from a recent scan of the server. Once the upgrade has been completed an all clear will be sent out for the server.

Most other digital collections continue to be available.

Thank you.