UC Libraries resources in celebration of Juneteenth

juneteenthJuneteenth, a combination of June and nineteenth, commemorates June 19, 1865 when federal troops, led by General Gordon Granger, arrived in Galveston, Texas, and read General Order Number 3, freeing the quarter million enslaved people in Texas. This was two years after President Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation; however his edict could not be implemented in places still under Confederate control. This day came to be celebrated as Juneteenth.

Juneteenth is the oldest celebration of the ending of slavery in the University States. African American people have been commemorating it since 1865 with picnics, BBQs, church services and with some people traveling to Galveston to mark the day. In June 2021, President Biden proclaimed Juneteenth a federal holiday called Juneteenth Day of Observance. The University of Cincinnati, and UC Libraries, observes this holiday, and will be closed on Monday, June 20, 2022 in its honor. 

To learn more about Juneteenth, check out these sources: 

UC Libraries Resources 

The following is a short list of items located in UC Libraries about Juneteenth. There are many more books, articles, videos, etc. that can be searched through the Articles tab on the Libraries’ homepage. 

  • “On Juneteenth” by Annette Gordon-Reed. Located in the Walter C. Langsam Library, call number:  E185.93.T4 G67 2021
  • “Juneteenth : the story behind the celebration” by Edward T. Cotham, Jr. Located in the Walter C. Langsam Library Cohen Collection (on the white shelves in the front of the library), call number:  E185.93.T4 C684 2021
  • Juneteenth!: celebrating freedom in Texas by Anna Pearl Barrett.
  • Juneteenth:  fact sheet by Molly Higgins. Congressional Research Service – 

 General Resources: 

CEAS library art collection

The College of Engineering and Applied Science (CEAS) Library recently added labels to their collection of artwork. Visit the library at 850 Baldwin Hall and view part of the CEAS art collection. Many paintings adorning the library walls are from the early twentieth century and capture the prominent change of the beginning of that century in Cincinnati.  

The start of the CEAS art collection: 

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SERVICE NOTE: Interlibrary Loan service unavailable from 3-6pm Tuesday, June 7 for maintenance

The Libraries’ Interlibrary Loan server, ILLiad, will be offline for maintenance from 3:00 p.m. until 6:00 p.m. today, Tuesday, June 7th. Interlibrary Loan services will be unavailable during this time.

During the maintenance, the ILLiad application will be updated to the latest version.

Thank you for your patience.


Congratulations to the newest UC Libraries faculty members

After a thorough review of UC Libraries staff positions with overlapping librarian faculty responsibilities, and in consultation with the Provost’s Office, the Libraries’ Executive Group, and library faculty members, Dean Xuemao Wang announces the newest UC Libraries faculty members:

  • Madeleine Gaiser, online learning & instruction specialist in the College of Education, Criminal Justice and Human Services (CECH) Library to assistant librarian
  • Suzanne Bratt, cataloging specialist in the Albino Gorno Memorial Music (CCM) Library to assistant librarian
  • Melissa Previtera, academic & research services specialist in the Donald C. Harrison Health Sciences Library to associate librarian

congrats Madeleine, Suzanne, Melissa

Lynn Warner joins UC Libraries as research and health sciences librarian

lynn warnerLynn C. Warner joined the University of Cincinnati Libraries May 31, 2022 as the new research and health sciences librarian in the Donald C. Harrison Health Sciences Library. Lynn comes to UC from Northern Kentucky University where she was the teaching and learning librarian at the Steely Library. While Lynn will primarily support the programs at the College of Nursing, she will also be available to work with all UC health sciences faculty, staff and students.

Lynn holds a masters of library science from the University of Kentucky and a BA in telecommunications from Bowling Green State University. She brings broad teaching experience and extensive work and partnership collaborations with faculty members at Northern Kentucky University (NKU). She is committed to information literacy and has delivered a wide range of information literacy education courses for undergraduate and graduate students during her teaching career. Lynn has working knowledge in assessment and critical information literacy concepts and indicates that she truly enjoys teaching information literacy and engaging with students on topics that she is passionate about.

Welcome, Lynn!

Congratulations and fond farewell to Leah Everitt, graduate student assistant in HSL

leah everittOver the past nine months, Leah Everitt, a masters of library science (MSLS) graduate student at the University of Kentucky, has worked at the Donald C. Harrison Health Sciences Library. During that time, she made an enormous impact assisting with community outreach projects, assessing a portion of the institutional repository using the FAIR Principals, working on research projects and serving as the temporary circulation coordinator.

Today, May 6, Leah officially graduates with her MSLS degree. Her next library career move is a position with the National Library of Medicine in their Associate Fellow Program. During the fellowship Leah hopes to work on more open scholarship projects and projects facilitating interoperability through standard languages.

Congratulations, Leah, and thank you for your fine work with UC Libraries!

Gretchen Gueguen joins the Press as temporary journals and digital projects coordinator

Gretchen GueguenWelcome, Gretchen Gueguen to the University of Cincinnati Press. Gretchen has been hired as temporary journals and digital projects coordinator and will manage the Press’s seven journal clients and Sophia Triantafyllopoulos, journals graduate student assistant. Gretchen will also be a vital member of the Open Education Resources (OER) initiative serving as technical project manager and an associate editor for interactive Open Access (OA) projects hosted on Manifold and OMEKA.

Gretchen holds an MLIS from the University of Maryland and a BA in English from Penn State University. Since 2015 she has taught Digital Libraries in the MLIS program at Clarion University. Gretchen has worked remotely as an independent library consultant for the past six years. Previously, Gretchen worked as data services coordinator and network manager for the Digital Public Library of America (DPLA), where she managed member relationships and served as a liaison to DPLA Hubs. Before DPLA, she served as head of archival activities for the Albert and Shirley Small Special Collections Library at the University of Virginia Library, Digital Initiatives Librarian at East Carolina University, and the Digital Collections Librarian for the University of Maryland.

Welcome, Gretschen!

Samantha Schaffer joins UC Libraries as computer systems administrator

samantha schafferSamantha Schaffer joined the University of Cincinnati Library May 2 as a computer systems administrator in the Library IT Department. She will be responsible for the day-to-day management of on-premise and cloud-based servers, as well as the deployment and monitoring of software applications for UC Libraries.

Samantha comes to UC from Boise, Idaho, where she most recently worked as a systems engineer for Synoptek, supporting Windows, macOS and Linux systems, as well as VMware servers and Azure. Samantha has worked in the systems administration area since 2014 and will be a great addition to the team.

Welcome, Samantha.

Hello, Central!: Telephones in Illustrated Sheet Music

hello centralBy Theresa Leininger-Miller,

This two-part exhibition commemorates the 145th anniversary of the invention of the telephone (1876) that took place in 2021; COVID-19 slightly delayed the celebration. Displayed on the 4th floor lobby of the Walter C. Langsam Library are reproductions of 68 vibrant, chromolithographic covers of illustrated sheet music dating from 1877 to 1939.

The display outside and inside the Robert A. Deshon and Karl J. Schlachter Library for Design, Architecture, Art & Planning (DAAP) features two dozen original pieces of sheet music, along with ten vintage telephones. The name of the device, from the Greek, means “far speaking” a way of increasing human earshot. With it, people can make themselves heard and understood around the world with a whisper. Continue reading